Chapter 4~ Axel... you okay?

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Green eyes? He has green eyes?! Holy shit! Holy fucking titties on fire shit! I just witnessed some color in the world! Green eyes? Like... I think I'm gonna pass out. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass out! Ohmygod!


*Radars P.O.V*

You know, saying I needed to see this kid was an understatement. For some fucking reason god decided I needed to think about this twink for the whole night and now I'm seeing him in front of me, again, after listening to the butt end of Axel's and his friends conversation. To say the least it was funny to hang around and wait but I thought I'd get to meet the poor kids friend. Too bad for that though.

I glanced up at Axel, just in time to see him swaying in his spot, his eyes still wide with shock. His beautiful blue eyes seemed to be focused on mine, and for some reason that gave me joy. His face lit up and he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Hey, you okay there, emo boy?" I asked.

"Y-your eyes... A-are they... Are they green?" He asked, almost breathlessly, his face growing pale.

"Uhm... Yes? I thought you knew that from the fir- woah! Hey!" Axel was falling, and I sprang into action, catching him before he split his head open on the concrete floor. Oh come on! Passing out in a public park? Does this kid have any class at all? Jesus.

"Axel!! Hey did you leave yet? I forgot I'm supposed to take you ho- Axel?!" I glanced up to see his friend from earlier, he had car keys in his hand as he rushed over here.

"Hi," I say, scooting over so his friend could take him in his arms. Boy did that give me a jealous pang in my chest.

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck did you do to Axel? What the fuck is going on?" He asked, fixing his hair as he scooped an unconscious Axel into his arms. Talk about no educational value in this kids vocabulary.

"Nothing, he just asked me if I had green eyes and so I answered the twink." I said. Immediately though, I got his eyes on me. He looked just as surprised as Axel did. "Don't pass out on me too!" I screamed, lifting a finger up.

"He actually asked you if you had green eyes? Who are you even?" He asked, going almost as pale as the snow collecting around us.

"Uhm, I'm Radar. Well Jax if you wanted to call me by my real name. But I met him last night and yes he asked me if I had green eyes, is that such a shock?" I asked, getting even more confused.

He shrugged. "So your the one from last night, ha no wonder. And to answer that question of yours, yes it is a very big shock." He said. "I'm Elliot, Axel's practically big brother." He said.

"Big brother my ass," I heard Axel grumble, making me sigh in releif. I knew he wasn't hurt or anything, but still, it was a small fucking release of tension from my very loaded shoulders.

"Your awake! Oh how I missed this dumbass!" Elliot screamed, practically suffocating Axel in his arms.

"Get off of me! You smell like BO!" He shouted, breaking apart from his friend. I glanced up to see Axel's eyes shimmer like water for a minute, but then shook my head to look again. What I saw was just bright blue eyes. Talk about me going crazy.

"Well seems the damzel in distress is all taken care of, if you'll excuse me I must leave." I said, getting up and ready to start my parkour training towards my house.

"Wait!" Axel shot. I turned my head to him, seeing him turned toward me on the ground. "When can I see you next?" He asked, a hint of shyness in his voice.

I smirked. "Who knows, emo boy." I chuckled and grabbed the ledges, starting towards my house.


*Axel's P.O.V*

"Did you seriously ask that you idiot?!" Elliot shot while he was driving me home. It was out of the ordinary of me to do so, but it wasn't that bad.

"It's not like I asked him for his hand in marriage, chill yourself." I said, looking out the window to see the snow falling in thick, heavy flecks.

"You might as well have," Elliot said, looking into the review mirror before back at the road ahead of him. "Seriously, I've never seen you so tied down to just one boy before." He said.

I shrugged. "I don't know, there's something about him that strikes me as odd," I say, glancing at Elliot.

"Like what? His Aura? The fact you can see the color of his eyes?" He deadpanned.

"Yes. It's something about the color of his Aura. For some reason, I can see past the gray and the Aura and see his true colors. I don't want to sound to gay or philosophical, but its the truth." I sighed and sunk deeper into the seat. Everything I just told Elliot was true. The fact I can see Radar's true colors- or Jax as he said- gives me hope that one day maybe I'll be able to see more colors of people. Colors some would never even imagine I'd seen. It would be a whole new world to me and the thought of it, made butterflies tear through my stomach like kamikaze's.

A/N: I am doing another update because I might be getting my wisdom teeth out very soon, so I won't be updating for a while. Maybe 2 weeks or something. So in this case, you guys get two updates! Tell me what you think about Jax's and Axel's relationship! Vote and comment below!

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