Chapter 9~ Date? Pool?

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Once dressed, I headed outside, the bright light hurting my eyes, but it was all for a semi great cause. I gulped and continued down the street, looking for where Axel could possibly be. I checked the park, the Denny's we first met, and even LA fountain, where I know he works. Nata. Should I like... Search him out or wait for him to come fi-


"AHHHH!" I screetched, as loudly as womanly possible. I turned around, holding my pounding heart to face a laughing Jax who was handing off the fence like a monkey.

"Not funny!" I shouted, my headache seemed to be a small ebb now since my unnaturally fast beating heart was my main concern.

He jumped down, and fixed his hair. He was in a loose Jacket, baggy shorts and vans. I rolled my eyes. The only thing I was in was black skinny jeans, DC's and a black hoodie with Supernatural on it. That was all my wardrobe consisted of.

His purple Aura came into veiw, and I couldnt help but stare at it. It was so vibrant and so beautiful. It captivated me in a way that I've never been captivated before. Ugh!

"It was funny, should've seen your face." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Uh huh, well what were we planning on doing today oh so wise Jax?" I asked, folding my arms over my racing heart.

He shrugged. "I was thinking this Grill down the street called Copper Creek. They have amazing sandwiches and we could play a game of pool as well." He said, slapping my shoulders.

I nodded and followed behind him as he walked away. I sighed as I walked, feeling my head start to hurt again. Pool. What is pool? I've heard Elliot talk about it, but I don't know what it is. Is it an actual pool? Does it involve money? Ugh this is not okay!

We made it to Copper Creek in very little time considering we walked in comfortable silence. I wouldn't consider this a date considering we were just hanging out. I mean, aren't dates something that should be... Romantic? I doubt we'd be like that.

"Just warning you, it can get loud in here." Jax said, readying to open the door.

Great, just what I need, noise.

Once we walked into the Grill, the noise hit me instantly. A giant group of teenagers were surrounding a dimly gray area which I can only hope wasn't a bar. A couple of adult males were sipping beers, probably talking over fantasy football. I glanced up seeing Jax sitting at a table in the far corner, right next to the gray tables with lights.

I sat down with him. "So this is where you go on your free time?" I inquire.

He looks around nodding and then smiled at me. "Yeah, pretty much." He said and chuckled as he grabs a menu from a stand at the corner of the table. I watched this and followed, grabbing a menu and flipping through the dull menu. Nothing sounded very good to me, considering I was use to going to Denny's with Elliot. It was the only place I really knew.

"Hey, Jax!" A bubbly girl said, her outfit dressed as a waiter.

He smiled, looking up from his menu. "Hey, Maggie, how are you doing? How's the kids?" He asked, resting the menu on the table. I glanced up here and there, but I tried to look uninterested in their conversation.

"Oh they are great. Sally learned to walk the other day. It was a sight!" She said, pausing with a chuckle. "Anyway, the usual?" She asked.

He chuckled. "I was gonna do something different but the usual sounds better, Axel?" He asked.

I put my menu down. "What? Huh?" I say, confusing the woman but Jax just chuckled.

"He'll have the usual too." He said. She wrote it down and then turned away from me and him, leaving us to talk or whatever.

He placed the menu back and so did I. "So now that we can actually talk to each other, what do you like to do on your free time?" He asked.

I sighed, digging deep into my mind for that answer. What do I like to do? I can't come out and say I like to look at Aura's on my free time. I can't even say I hang out with an annoying friend who technically, is a brother to me, and tries to hook me up with any two legged thing that has a dangling hot dog between their legs. Oh no I can't say that.

So I say the only true thing. "I like to draw I guess." I say after a moment of debating.

"Drawing? What kind?" He asks.

I shrug. "Pencil sometimes charcoal. I guess it just depends." I say.

"That's nice." He says, taking a peanut from the small bowl in front of us and eating it.

I stared at his eyes, just imagining the green I saw in them. How did I see them? I have no idea. But no matter what, I shall see them again.

"So what about you?" I ask.

"Not much, I like to do parkour. Its a hobby." He said, popping on into his mouth.

"What is Parkour? I've heard about it but I've never fully understood it. Is it... Like a game?" I ask.

"Think about it as being a cat. You are flexible, you clear your mind and look at an object from afar and you jump. It's a free feeling. A very nice, free feeling. The wind in your face and the life you sense going through your mind. It's beautiful." He explained.

"I wish I could be carefree like you." I said. He looked at me confused and that's when our food was being place in front of us. It was a burger on soft, almost toasted bread with lettuce, cheese, tomatoes and onion rings on the side. A beer placed in front of me. That's when all the color (if I could see it) drained from my face. The girl left and I looked at Jax.

"Dude! I'm not old enough to have a beer!" I screamed to him in a whisper. He lifted a brow.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Didn't we already go through this? I'm 16, almost 17. You are 18 almost 19! Jesus Christ dude!" I say. He shrugged.

(A/N: just so you guys know, there are states where drinking laws are 18 and some with 21. I'm going 18... Continue on)

"Don't drink it if it's gonna bother you." He said. I sighed.

I gave up the beer and started for the burger. It was delicious, melting in my mouth with every bite. It was so good. The best I've ever tasted.

"Hey, do you want to play a game of pool after we are done eating?" Jax stopped mid-chew to ask.

I swallowed. "Uh... I don't know that game. I don't even know how to play it." I say, getting a drink.

"You've never played pool? Its just knocking colored and stripes into a hole with a stick." He said.

I froze. Legit froze. Colors? He wanted me, a blind to color man, play a game all about colors? Like...what the hell?

"Uh... I can't play it." I say. "It... Really doesn't sound fun." I took a nervous bite of my burger and chewed fast.

"What do you mean not fun? It's a funner game than any." He said.

"Better," I corrected. "And I just dont want to play it. Maybe another time?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine, then what do you want to do?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't know, my head hurts really badly. I may need to go home after this." I told him, my head pounding to everything around me. Especially noise.

"Really?" He asks.

I nod. "Sorry, the noise is killing me. Maybe we can hangout again soon, maybe you can teach me a little parkour?" I ask.

He chuckled. "Sounds like a plan."

I mentally let out a gigantic sigh. Thank god I don't have to reveal the no colors thing. That would have been a major disaster.

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