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"Hey buddy" Butch said in a super nice voice as he sat next to Patrick. He knew his client/best friend hormones were all over the place so he was wary of his words.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked as he rested his hand on his bump.

"So um people have been wanting a interview so I told this radio station you'll go today at 4pm" Butch said.

"What!?! Why would you do that?!?" Patrick yelled at his manager. Pete heard his boyfriend and went over to see what was happening. "Do you know how difficult it is already to find a outfit where I don't show? Of course you don't cause you aren't fat" Patrick started crying at the end. Pete immediately went over to Patrick and took him to the bunks.

"Hey. Shhh. It's okay" Pete said hugging Patrick.

"No it's not. I'm fat" Patrick cried.

"No you aren't Trick. You're carry our baby boy" Pete said putting his hand on Patrick's stomach.

"How is that suppose to make me feel better!?!" He yelled whacking Pete's hand away.

"It should be because in the end we get to see our little boy. We can be like the most coolest dads ever"

"Awe babe" Patrick said smiling and wrapping his arms around Pete.

Butch had walked in, but Pete made a gesture for him to just go away. The last thing he need was for Patrick to cry or yell again. "How bout this? I'll help you find the permit out for today. I'll even let you borrow my button"

Patrick nodded his head and the two started going through their clothes. Patrick could barely get into his biggest pair of pants. He wore Pete's white button up, but you can still see the bump when he sat down.

"Peter this isn't going to work. I'm going to be sitting through out the whole thing. For damn sure I'm standing through the whole thing. I can barely stand through my performances" Patrick ranted. His feet had started hurting slightly do to the little extra pounds and dress shoes aren't the best to wear while pregnant.

"It's going to be fine. I'll be listening here the whole time" Pete said as he fixed Patrick's tie. Butch didn't want to risk Pete blowing everything. He knew Pete's excited to be a dad again and that he really wants to share the news, but they agreed to tell everyone once touring is over. "You'll do good baby" Patrick smiled and kissed him before getting off the bus.

He walked in to the radio station and went to the room they told him to. He shook hands with the interviewer, but not really catching his name. He was just stressing so much. He put on the bulky headphones and took a seat.

"So today I'm here the talented Patrick Stump. He just released album called Soul Punk which is really great. I want to ask what inspired you for your song Porcelain cause that's like my favorite song right now man" the interviewer said.

"Oh thanks dude. Um I wrote it about someone in my life that I always thought was amazing. Over the time I learned about them. I like wanted to be like them cause I felt like they were amazing. I soon realized they had problems and was very delicate, causing me to not really wanting to be them. Still look up to them though" Patrick spoke very wary of his words. He didn't want to say he or her cause then people would assume.

"A lot of stuff on this record are really good. It has that nice beat that you can't help but dance to"

"Yeah. I was somewhat going for that. I wanted to release music that had meaning, but make you want to dance. I mean majority of my songs are about the bad things in life" Patrick said feeling glad they weren't talking about his personal life.

"So I'm calling out my assistant right now cause as soon as she found out you were coming in she wanted to know if you were single or not"

'Shit' Patrick thought. He knew exactly where this was going.

"So she did some research. It says your last relationship was with Elisa Yao, but it is rumored that you and Pete Wentz are together. Some people go pictures of you two at the airport"

'Fuck. Okay Patrick stay calm' Pete thought as he was listening to everything.

"Um, Elisa and I weren't really working out due to work so we decided to break up. Then with Pete and I..." Patrick paused trying to think of the right words. Pete on the other hand was sitting on the edge of his seat, scared of what he was going to say."Pete and I have always been close. Before hiatus we were attached to the hip and recently we just felt that connection again. Let's just say it's a baby- I mean it's a maybe"

Pete smacked his forehead think about how stupid his boyfriend is. He flat out said it's a baby. No one can fucking deny that. The interviewer played a song so Patrick went out the room and dialed Pete's number.

"I need you" was all Patrick said.

"Already heading to the room" Pete said hanging up. He turned the corner and ran to Patrick pulling him into a embrace. Patrick returned and started to cry.

"I'm so stupid" Patrick said into his chest.

"No you aren't babe. You just freaked out. I would too"

"I pretty much told the world. I can't do this" Patrick cried.

"Hey!" Pete pulled him back to look at him. "You are going to be okay. If it would be better I'll go in with you. If it makes you more comfortable I'll do the talking"

"Please" Patrick whimpered out.

"Of course baby" he pulled Patrick back into his chest. They both had their hands tangled on top of Patrick's stomach. Pete can feel their baby boy kicking under them. Once Patrick was calmer they walked in together. The interviewer nod raised an eyebrow as they took their seats.

"We are back and we got another guest. Welcome Pete Wentz" he hit the clapping sound effect. "So what you doing here?"

"Just came to support my Lunchbox and little sandwich" Patrick gave him a really look. Little sandwich was what Pete decided to call the baby since they haven't started brainstorming on names.

"Ok. Who's little sandwich?"

"Someone who means the world to us" Pete said. He wanted so badly to reach over and grab Patrick's hand, but they were filming them. The interviewer asked a few more questions and then let him go to the little set to perform his two songs. He sat down on the high stool before grabbing his guitar, which was a huge mistake. Pete knew right away and ran to the set and handed it to him causing the few fans to cheer and awe at the two.

"Thanks Pete" he said into the mic as Pete ran to the era back so he can watch from the shadows. "This ones for you" he started strumming his guitar and singing Run Dry. He pointed at Pete at the same line he did last time. Patrick was sure some Peterick fans would notice but oh well.

"I'm gonna have one of my guys who tour with me help me with this one" the guy cam up to the drum kit getting ready to play. Patrick carefully got off the stool while cradling his stomach. Pete smiled at the sight of his boyfriend. At that moment Patrick was glowing a little bit. You know that motherly glow. He had went to the key bored and started playing Spotlight.

The two soon went to the bus to find a angry Butch. They got a earful from him, but the couple ignored him and just went to their shared bunk. Patrick was laying on his back while Pete was on his side, but down lower so his face was at Patrick's stomach. Pete gotten into the habit of telling their little sandwich a story every night. Patrick would lay there rubbing the bump sometimes and chiming in. He always fell asleep and woke up to Pete still talking. Patrick knew their little boy is going to be loved.

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