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Pete woke up hearing the doorbell ringing. He unwrapped his arms from Patrick's waist and got out the bed. He pulled on a pair of boxers and headed downstairs. The person knocked again becoming impatient. He opened the door to see Andy and Joe standing there. "What the fuck are you guys doing here?" Pete said turning to the kitchen to start the coffee machine. He noticed it was 6 a.m.

The two followed Pete into the kitchen. "Thought you guys want some breakfast" Andy said putting the box of donuts on the counter.

"Thanks guys" Pete said waiting for the coffee to be done. He yawned and rubbed his eyes feeling tired. He technically only got four hours of sleep.

"Dylan kept you guys up?" Joe asked as Pete pour himself a cup and added sugar and creamer.

"Something like that" Pete mumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. Andy looked at him confused.

"Pete!" Patrick called out as he slowly went down the stairs. "Please tell me you have coffee going. So tired cause of yo-" Patrick walked into the kitchen and stopped talking. He was wearing his boxer briefs and one of Pete's big shirt that made it look like he wasn't wearing anything under. "Oh hey guys" He blushed and Pete just smiled at him. He poured Patrick a cup and put the right amount of sugar. Patrick took the cup, but not before kissing Pete's cheek.

"So anything you want to tell us?" Joe said raising a eyebrow. Patrick and Pete looked at him confused. Joe did a whistle that he normal does when impressed. Andy just pointed at Patrick's left hand.

"Oh that! Yeah. Pete and I are engaged" Pete smiled and pulled Patrick into his side. 

"Congrats. Brendon is gonna be pissed we know before him" Joe said laughing.

"We brought donuts for you guys" Andy told more to Patrick.

"Oh!" Patrick said running to the counter and opening the box from Krispy Kreme. He picked a normal glaze one and moaned as he took a bite.

"Jesus. You pregnant again or something?" Joe said.

"God no. Can't get pregnant over night" Patrick said with his mouth slightly full.

"Plus we used a condom" Pete said as he tried to grab a donut, but Patrick swatted his hand away. "Meanie" Pete mumbled rubbing his hand. "So is there another reason why you decided to come over at 6 in the morning?"

"Um" Andy looked down blushing a little bit.

"We decided for you two to be the first people to know we are together" Joe said.

"Bout time" Patrick said as he grabbed another donut.

"What's the suppose to mean?" Andy asked.

Before Patrick took a bite of the second donut he said, "Cause you guys were pretty close before hiatus and then you guys still did music while on hiatus. I've been wait just as long as you guys waited for us to get together"

"Okay. Speaking of hiatus. Joe and I were think about trying to get the band back together"

"What!?!" Patrick yelled. Pete looked at Patrick a little shocked. He thought it would be smart to do. He missed performing, it wasn't the much fun touring with Black Cards.

"Why not baby?" Pete asked.

"Cause how would that work Peter. I had Dylan a week and half ago, we have to have a wedding plus the honeymoon, also we had to take care of Dylan. How do you expect to do band stuff while raising him?" Patrick said.

"I did it all with Bronx" Pete said.

"Thats completely different. Ashlee took care of him and it's not like you were there to raise him. You didn't even want him"

Pete slammed his fist on the counter and yelled, "Don't fucking say that!"

"Why!?! Because it's fucking true!!" Patrick yelled back. Andy and Joe stood there and watched. They seen them argue before, but this was more serious.

"That's not fucking true! I'm fucking fighting to get shared custody of him! If I didn't care I would of just let Ashlee keep him!" Pete yelled.

"Oh cut the shit! You won't know what to do if you did get some custody!"

"Are you fucking calling me a bad dad now! You better not be fucking saying that cause who gets up late at night to take care of Dylan!! Who was there to go to the late night trips to the store when you were pregnant!?! Who held your hand when you were giving birth to him!?! Who was the one who promised to raise Dylan if you fucking died!?! Don't you dare say I'm not a good dad cause I've been there for Dylan and Bronx!! I was there for you too Patrick!!"

The baby monitor that they had downstairs went off. Patrick was trying not cry in front of Pete. He ran upstairs to go help a crying Dylan. He let a few tears escape as he did. He wiped them away before he opened Dylan's door. He went to get him from the crib. "Hi baby" he said picking him up. He can fill his diaper full so he took him to the changing table to change him. He was can feel himself still crying as he did. It hurt to hear what Pete yelled. He wiped his tears again and held Dylan as he sat on the rocking chair in the room. "I love you so much Dylan. So does your Dad" Dylan just stared up at his crying Dad.

Pete was downstairs in the kitchen at the same spot. He was beyond pissed off. Andy and Joe looked at him not sure what to say. "He can hear Patrick talking to Dylan though the monitor. "We'll get back to you tomorrow" Pete said as he walked past the two. He went up stairs and went into their room. He sat on the bed trying to calm himself. He realized he hadn't taken his pills. Maybe that's why he had that out burst.

Patrick soon carried Dylan to their room to just play with some toys to find Patrick sitting on the bed. "Hey"  Patrick said softly walking to the bed.

"Hey. I'm sorry for yelling at you Trick. I dint mean anything I said" Pete apologized.

"It's fine. It's all true. I shouldn't had said you were a bad dad. You are by far the greatest dad ever Peter" Patrick said. Pete smiled and laid down. Patrick laid down too with Dylan in the middle. They gave Dylan his little stuffed elephant Brendon got him. It seem to be Dylan's favorite toy. Pete and Patrick shared a kiss realizing that they're better together then arguing.

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