Giving Birth

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Pete rushed back into the room to see them hooking up a heart monitor on Patrick and his stomach. "Pete"

"I'm right here, baby" Pete said going Patrick's side and holding his hand.

"Hello Patrick" Cecilia said coming into the room. She had a clip bored with Patrick's papers on it.

"How is it that I'm going into labor. I'm only six months" Patrick said. He winced at the end cause he felt another contraction.

"It seems like the baby grew faster then we thought. It's completely normal to be going into labor right now" she said. "So right now you have to deal with the contractions, but in half an hour we can give you an epidural"

"I don't want one" Patrick said.

"But you have to if you're doing a c-section"

"I want to do it natural" Patrick said.

"But Patrick you know how low the chances are of yo-"

"I either give natural birth or I don't give birth at all" Patrick said sternly. He could careless if he was going to die. He was going to no matter what he chose.

"Pete can we talk outside of the room for a minute" Cecilia said. Pete nodded and stood up. He kissed Patrick's forehead before walking out.

"Listen you need to get him to do a c-section. He for sure will not make it if he does the pushing" Cecilia said.

"I can't. He's too stubborn. I can never get him to change his mind"

"Peter, I know much you love him and your child. If you want both of them to survive, you get Patrick to do the c-section" she said.

"If you're as good as a doctor as you say you are, you will save both of them. If he wants to do natural, he does natural and that's final" Pete walked back into the room before she can even respond. He just went and sat in the uncomfortable chair next to the hospital bed.

"You should tell Brendon or Gabe to get the baby bag that we forgot to grab" Patrick said. Thankfully the two had went baby shopping a couple days ago. Pete had been sure to back a bag of clothes and other things need for when Dylan was coming.

Pete had nodded his head and pulled out his phone. He texted Gabe telling him to go to his house to grab the bag and car seat and to get to the hospital. He was sure he would run ever red light on his way there. He then texted Brendon in all caps, 'GET TO THE HOSPITAL'

***Couple Hours Later***
"Hey dude. Here's the bag" Gabe said as he put the bag down next to Pete.

"Thanks dude" Pete said hugging him. The moment was over due to Patrick groaning in pain.

"Whoa. He okay?" Gabe asked looking at Patrick as he gripped the bars on the side of the bed.

"Just a contraction" Pete responded as he rubbed Patrick's back.

"I hate you so much Peter. We are never having sex again" Patrick said in pain.

"I know babe. I'm sorry"

"Can't he get an epidural?" Gabe asked.

"I don't want it" Patrick said through gritted teeth. Gabe lifted his hands in defense and took a seat in the other chair.

"Uncle Brendon's here!!" Brendon yelled as he ran into the room.

"I regret telling you to text him" Patrick said to Pete.

'Sorry' Pete mouthed.

"Please tell me you're naming him after me" Brendon said.

"No. We already have another name" Patrick said feeling another contraction. He's notice that they've been happening in a closer time. "Pete. Get Cecilia"

Pete got up and went out the room to find her. She was at the desk handing paperwork to another nurse. "Um Patrick wants you" she nodded and they headed back to the room.

"Hello everybody. Heard that I was needed" she said.

"They're getting closer" Patrick said through the pain. He had his arms over his head and his hands was gripping his hair in pain.

"Okay. Let's see how dilated you are" she said lifted the blanket.

"Oh, I'm gonna look" Brendon said hitting Gabe's arm.

"I wouldn't if I were you" Gabe said sounding a little bored.

Brendon went to look and immediately looked away. "Ah, I regret looking"

"Told you" Gabe raised an eyebrow wondering how this idiot was allowed in the room.

"I think it's time" Patrick looked at Pete in horror. He wished he didn't have to do this. "I'm gonna have to asked everyone expect the other daddy to leave the room" Gabe and Brendon wished them luck and left the room. Cecilia got two other nurses to stand by and help out.

"Okay, Patrick, when I say push you push" Patrick nodded his head understanding. "Push" Patrick gripped the bars and did.

"Okay breath Patrick. Now again" These time Patrick held Pete's hand. Pete winced lightly due to the death grip Patrick had. He was sure he has a few broken fingers.

"Okay. He's crowning Patrick. You're almost done" Cecilia said after about the fourth push.

"Oh I want to see" Patrick said lift himself up from his elbows. Pete went to look and regretted it.

"No. You don't want to babe. Just keep going" Patrick pushed again, but can feel himself growing weak.

"Come on Patrick. It's almost over. Just one more push and we can finally hold our little sandwich" Pete encouraged.

"I can't Pete. It hurts. It hurts so much" Patrick said feeling like crying.

"I know baby. Just one big push and it'll be over" Patrick nodded and with all his strength pushed. Pete was 100% sure now that he had a broken hand.

But it was all worth it once they hear the crying of a baby. Their baby. "Want to cut the cord daddy" Cecilia said. Pete nodded and went over. When he was cutting it he looked up and smiled at Patrick. Patrick returned it with a small smile. He was starting to feel light headed. Soon he just closed his eyes.

Pete looked up to see Patrick's eyes closed. "Patrick" he said going next to him. He listened as his heart started to slow down on the monitor. "Patrick. Baby wake up" he said grabbing his hand begging him.

"Patrick" he can feel someone pulling him away as he can hear the heart monitor giving a dead beep. Everything was a blur after that for Pete. "Patrick! Let me go! Patrick! Wake Up Baby!" Pete yelled as the nurse was pulling him out. He watched all the nurses and Cecilia trying to save Patrick until he was out in the hall.

A/n: comment if you want Patrick to live or not.

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