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(Skip Tour)
The guys were finally back at home. Patrick had made an appointment with Cecilia for a check up. The tour had went good. They had released the album half way through and the fans were loving it. They now were able to release another music video. When they stopped in New York, Pete had met someone who would like to publish Pete's book. He said the ending needed some work, but he would love to publish it.

The couple was sitting in the waiting room waiting for Cecilia to call them back.

"You okay?" Pete asked his husband.

"Yeah. Why?" Patrick said back.

"Just I'm nervous so I thought maybe you were too"

"What are you even nervous about? It's not like it's our first time coming in here" Patrick questioned.

"I don't know. I just do" Patrick smiled and held Pete's hand to calm him down.

"Everything's fine. We're fine" Patrick said resting their hands on his forming bump. Patrick felt like it was larger then when he was expecting Dylan.

"Patrick" they looked to see Cecilia standing by the door. "Ready for you" The couple stood up and followed her into the doctors office. Patrick sat on the examining table while Pete sat in the chair next to it. "So how you been?"

"Good. Um.. I took a test and it said I was pregnant"

"That's good. So you want make sure everything is all good" Cecilia said putting on a pair of gloves. Patrick had nodded his head. "Alright so let's do an ultrasound to make sure everything is all good"

Patrick knew to left up his shirt so she can put the cold gel on his stomach. She grabbed the transducer and spread the gel around. She then started moving it to see more clear on the screen. She had it so only she can see it. "Oh my god" she murmured softly.

"What? Is everything okay?" Pete asked frantically.

"Um they're both fine" she looked at them smiling.

"Both? What do you mean?" Patrick asked confused.

"It appears that" she turned the screen to face the couple. "You're having twins"

"Twins?" Pete said shocked. Patrick had sat up a little more so he can look even closer at the screen.

Right there in front of his face were the two developing babies that were growing in his stomach. He smiled as he felt himself crying. He's been wanting a baby for so long and now he was blessed with two. He turned to look at Pete who was also looking at the screen.

"Two babies, Pete" Patrick said happily. Pete nodded his head and leaned in to give Patrick a sweet kiss.

"Two gorgeous babies" Pete said as he rested his forehead against Patrick's.

"Would you guys want some pictures?" Cecilia asked.

"Of course" Patrick said excitedly. They got the print outs and walked out smiling.

"So how are we gonna tell the world?" Pete asked as he was driving back home.

"I don't know. I'm so excited though. Two babies, Pete. Not one. Two" Patrick said smiling.

"I know. I was there, babe" Pete couldn't help but smile as well. It was an exciting moment, but Pete was still nervous. He wasn't gonna tell Patrick his worry's yet. He couldn't ruin his husband's happy spirit.

"Oh my god! Imagine if we have identical twins. We can dress them up in cute little matching outfits" Pete smiled and glanced at his adorable husband. "Or if we have girls we can spoil them. Holy smokes. We're gonna need a new house"

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