Two Months Later

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Patrick and been woken up by nausea. He got out of the hotel bed and ran to the bathroom. He was vomiting in the toilet when he heard the bedroom door open.

"Patrick! Where you at?" His manager Butch called into the room.

"Bathroom" he called back before vomiting again.

"Whoa. You okay?" Patrick nodded while his head was in the toilet. "I'm gonna cancel the show tonight"

"No don't do that. This is the only show in Chicago" Patrick said not feeling the need to throw up anymore, but he knew it will come back.

"You're sick"

"I'm fine Butch. I'm gonna be fine in like an hour" he said.

"How do you know?" Butch said confused.

"It's been happening for a couple days"

"Days?!? You know what I'm gonna make a doctors appointment for you. If they say you're okay to perform then I won't cancel the show" he said pulling his phone out.

"Fine" Patrick said feeling defeated and then feeling the nausea again. He started puking again as Butch walked out getting a doctor on the phone.

*Skip trip to the doctors*
Patrick was sitting on the check up table. He would of been messing around with his fedora out of nervousness, but he wasn't wearing it. So he settled with messing around with the hem of his shirt. Actually Pete's shirt. Finally the doctor entered the room.

"Hello Mr Stump. So your friend said you've been sick. What are the symptoms?" She asked.

"I've been throwing up every morning for the past week" He said.

"Okay. Have you felt like you've got a fever?" She ask. Patrick shook his head.

"Okay well. I'm gonna list some symptoms of something I doubt you have. Fatigue, increase urination, mood swings, cravings, cramping" Patrick though for a moment and realized he has been having some of those symptoms. He had been peeing more then usual and feeling tired.

"I've had a few of those" he said.

"Okay. Would you mind doing a urine sample" he shook his head. All he wanted was answers.

Soon the doctor came back in with a male doctor. "Mr. Stump this is Dr. Raymond. He's a gynecologist"

"Um.. I'm not a girl" Patrick said confused.

"We know that Mr. Stump but it seems to be that you're pregnant" Dr. Raymond said.

Patrick nervously laughed. "This is a joke right. I'm like on Punk'd"

"No, Mr Stump. This isn't a joke" By the doctors serious voice, realization hit him. He was pregnant. He was going to have a baby. Then a harder realization hit him, Pete's the father. He had to because he hadn't slept with anyone since that night.

He let out a shaky sigh and put his hand over his mouth. "Your friend had said you were on tour. We request that you perform for maybe two months and that's it. Another thing is to take some prenatal pills and see a doctor ever couple weeks" Patrick just nodded his head scared to talk. They soon walked out, after handing him some papers, letting Patrick have some alone time.

He soon pulled his phone out calling Butch, "Hey um.. Can you cancel this weeks shows and get me a flight to Los Angeles?"

"Why? Want to see Pete again?" He asked.

"How did you know-"

"I think everyone saw that you took Pete to your dressing room. Then heard you moaning" Patrick was blushing super hard. He was sure Butch would of laughed at him if he was here.

"The sex thing has nothing to do with why I want to go. I just...need to see Pete" Patrick said.

"Alright. You got a flight in an hour"

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