Six Months Mark

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It's been two months since they told everyone. Brendon was true to his word and was rubbing Patrick's stomach the whole time. Pete had decided to throw a baby shower next month for sure. Patrick has been getting more and more weird food cravings. Meaning that Pete had to make several late night trips to the store.

"Hey babe" Patrick said as he was running his hand through Pete's nicely styled black hair. They both just in bed since it was like midnight.

"Yeah" he said lifting his head from the now slightly bigger bump.

"We should think of names"

"Okay" Pete moved so he was laying next to him.

"How bout Jack?"

"No Pete. Everyone already knows you love Nightmare Before Christmas"

Pete sighed and made his thinking face. "Can-" he really didn't want to say this, but he wanted to at the same time. "Can him after you?" Patrick rolled very cautiously while holding his stomach to his side.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"That way if I loss you" Pete said not to let the tears fall from his eyes.

Patrick moved his hand to rest on Pete's cheek. He leaned into it loving feeling of warmth on his face. "You already have him looking like me. I think it would kill you a little bit more if you had to call him me" Pete nodded knowing it was true. "I would rather name him after you"

"Why? My name sucks" he said smiling.

"Because I think it would be cool for our child to be Peter Lewis Kington Wentz IIII"

"I think I would rather not have him dealing with trying impress the family cause of his name" that definitely got Patrick laughing. He know how Pete's dad wanted him to make something out of their name. He was happy for him being famous for it, but not for being the father of the first pregnant male that came out publicly.

"How bout Dylan?" Pete said.


"Yeah. I always found Dylan's interesting and our baby boy already is interesting"

"We can name him Dylan if only his middle name will be Kingston" Patrick said. He really wanted their baby, Dylan, to have a part of Pete's name.

"Deal" Pete said smiling. He moved so his face was back to the bump. "Hey little sandwich. We finally got name for ya. You are officially Dylan Kingston Wentz"

"Not officially. First you have to be born"

"Your Daddy's right. I'm sure he would love that" Pete said laughing. He can feel Dylan kicking underneath his hand.

"Yeah. I'm sure you're gonna be a soccer player like your dad cause you are kicking really hard" Patrick said making a slightly pained face. Normally they aren't this bad.

"Take it easy little sandwich. Your Daddy needs some rest" Patrick smiled at Pete loving him so much. He wondered if he was like this with Bronx before he was born. Most likely not since he somewhat didn't want to be a dad back then. Just had his eyes set on being a rockstar. Patrick drifted off to sleep pretty fast to Pete stroking his stomach.

Pete had started telling Dylan a story. It was the one he always told him. The one where he realized he loved Patrick. "I knew right after I heard him sing the words I written that I loved him. After that every time he smiled at me or laughed at something I said I got these butterflies. When I first kissed your Daddy I felt fireworks. I felt alive for once. Even though I didn't know that you would ever happen, I'm glad you did. I love you so much Dylan" he kissed Patrick's stomach and crawled up to wrap his arm around Patrick and sleep.

*** Two Nights Later ***
The two were soundly asleep. For Patrick it was after half a jar of pickles. For Pete it was after telling Dylan the same story. Soon Patrick woke up to a pain. He opened his eyes thinking Dylan was just kicking a little too hard, but it got worse. Then he felt something wet between his legs. He put his hands in his pajama pants and look to see red. Red as in blood. He let gasped softly, feeling scared. He wiped his hand on his pajama bottoms.

"Pete" he said shaking him lightly, but he didn't wake up.

"Pete" he said a little louder while crying.

"Mhm" he mumbled not opening his eyes.

"Pete, please wake up. Pete. I'm bleeding" Patrick said crying and shaking Pete more.

"You're bleeding?" Pete said sitting up feeling alert. Patrick nodded. "Shit. I'll call Cecilia while we get in the car" he was dialing her number while getting in the car. She said to get to the hospital fast and that she was already there. Also for him to not panic which made Pete panic.

Once there nurses rushed Patrick into the back on a gurney. "Pete. I'm scared" he said as Pete was holding his hand as he was rushing next to the gurney with them.

"I know baby. It's gonna be okay though. You and Dylan are gonna be okay. I swear Patrick" Pete said trying not to cry. He had to stay strong for Patrick. For all three of them.

"I'm sorry sir you can't come back here" a nurse said.

"What do you mean?" He said as they took Patrick to the back room. "I have to be back there!"

"It's okay" Cecilia said to the nurse. "He's the other father"

"Thank you" Pete said rushing into the room.

A/n: What's gonna happen next????

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