I'm Okay (I Promise)

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(1 Month Later)
Gerard was sitting on the couch watching Doctor Who while Frank was upstairs with Bandit. She wanted help picking the most rockstar look. She had wanted her father to help her, but Frank wouldn't let Gerard get up.

Gerard was now 7 months pregnant. Frank didn't really want him doing much and truthfully Gerard didn't either. Everytime he walked his feet would start hurting.

Gerard started to get hungry so he slowly stood up from the couch. He waddled over to the kitchen and opened the pantry. He felt a slightly sharp pain in his abdomen. He felt something wet in his pants.

"Frank!" Gerard screamed. He can hear running.

"What's wrong?" Frank asked out of breath.

"My water just broke" Gerard then doubled over and screamed in pain.

"Oh shit!" Frank then ran out of the kitchen.

"Frank! Why the hell did you disappear!?!" Gerard yelled before he felt the pain again.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" Frank chanted as he ran upstairs to get his phone. He shakily dailed Patrick's number.

(At The Wentz Household)
Patrick was chopping up some vegetables for the lunch he had planned. Dylan was in the living room playing with Bowie. Pete was up in their room writing. Patrick didn't really question what he was typing up on his computer. He was sorta hoping it wasn't lyrics. He didn't want to go on another tour.....yet.

He felt a tug on his pant leg so he looked down to see Dylan. "What's wrong baby's?"

"Celer" Dylan said pointing at the chopping board. He still couldn't fully pronounce certain words.

Patrick smiled and pulled a stick of celery from the stock. He bent down and handed it to Dylan. He smiled and bit the celery. He bounced out the room, happy with his celery stick.

Patrick smiled and turned back to chopping up the food. His phone started blasting the stupid ringtone Pete put. It was of Kayne West making that noise he does on repeat. 

Patrick grabbed a dish towel and wiped his hands. He then grabbed his phone to see Frank was calling.

"Hey. What's up?" Patrick said answering the phone.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't know what to fucking do. I'm fucking freaking out so fucking much" Frank said very quickly.

"Wait. Slow down, Frank. What's wrong?" Patrick asked calmly.

"Gerard's going into labor" Frank said.

"Okay. Just go and grab that baby bag you guys have. Then get Gerard and Bandit in the car and drive to the hospital. We're gonna meet you guys there"

"Okay. Bye" Patrick could hear Frank rushing around before he hung up.

Patrick quickly went to the living room. "Come on Dylan. We have to go"

"Where?" Dylan asked while looking up at his "mom" with wide blue green eyes.

"We're gonna go see Uncle Gerard and Uncle Frank. So come on. Let's go" Dylan started to get off the couch and followed his mom.

"Pete!" Patrick called up the stairs. He grabbed Dylan's jacket that's in the closet. "Pete!" Patrick yelled again. He put Dylan's jacket on him. "Peter!"

He finally heard Pete coming out of the room and down the stairs. "What's wrong?"

"Gerard's going into labor" Patrick responded as he picked Dylan up.

"Shit!" Pete grabbed his jacket and the car keys. They all got into the car and Pete started driving sorta fast. Not too fast because he knew Dylan was in the car.

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