Sharing the News

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Today's the last day of touring. They are in Los Angeles and are in a hotel at the moment. Patrick had just got off the phone with Cecilia. She agreed to come over so they can have the baby here. Patrick crawled into the huge bed where Pete was laying. He rested his head on his chest feeling tired.

"You okay?" Pete asked tracing patterns over Patrick's stomach.

"Tired. I'm glad I just go to Fuse and then do the show. Then I can go home and relax" Pete nodded his head understanding. "When you want to tell people?"

"Don't know. When I feel comfortable to" Patrick struggled getting up out of the bed to get dressed. Butch got him a interview with Mark Hoppus on his TV show. Him and Mark are really chill so he most likely ask personal question.

Patrick put on Pete's button up again and he also wore one of the tech guys pants since none of his fit. He  gained a total of nine pounds. If you look closely you can see the weight gain. He grabbed a black vest and buttoned it up. He finished the look with his dress shoes and black fingerless gloves. "Good?" He asked Pete.

"Yeah. Like always" Pete got up and kissed his cheek he grabbed a shirt and put it on as well as a hoodie. They headed over to Fuse with Butch telling what to say and not say.

"Shut the fuck up!!! I'm not a little kid!! I might have a kid in me, but I'm not one!! So leave me alone!!" Patrick yelled making Butch look shock. He never yelled. Pete rested his hand on his thigh as a soothing way. "I'm sorry" Patrick said after awhile. Butch just nodded his head knowing it was a mood swing.

They went into the studio and Pete just stood on the sidelines. He didn't want to take Patrick's spotlight. Patrick was sitting on the sofa while Mark was in the chair across from him. They were talking about how Patrick first met him when he was 11 at a festival and then where the title of the album came from.

"So in your music video Spotlight you have several people showing there talent. So do you have any secret talents?" Hoppus asked.

"Um most of my talents are just out in the open. I just am good with music and I feel like that's majority of my talent" Patrick then started thinking this is the perfect time. "Actually do have a huge secret talent. I guess you can say that. I feel it's more of a rare ability" Pete looked at the screen backstage shocked. 'Is he really doing what I think he is?' Pete thought.

"What might that be?"

"I am one of the 13% of men out in the world able to have a a child and I'm pregnant right now" Patrick said nervously.

"Congrats are in order then" Mark said slightly confused. He wasn't sure if this was production pulling his leg.

"Just to answer a couple questions for the audience and people watching. I am 100% male. I have everything a guy has. I'm sure what exactly I have that cause me to pregnant. I didn't really do the reading for it. Pete did. Which I didn't mention Pete Wentz is the father and he doesn't know people right now. Sure he's ecstatic that I am because he's been wanting to share the news" Patrick rambled.

"So how far along are you?" Mark asked. Sure he was shocked, but this was two of his very good friends.

"Four months. Have a little bump right now" Patrick stood up and unbuttoned his vest to show them. Pete smiled as he watched his boyfriend show off their baby.

"Do you guys know the gender yet?" Hoppus asked.

"Yeah it's a boy" the audience awed.

"Any names yet?"

"No, not yet. Pete had decided to call him little sandwich" Mark gave him a 'What?' face so Patrick continued. "He always called me Lunchbox throughout the whole time we known each other. So he was like what is always inside a lunchbox and then that about a sandwich. That cause me to want a sandwich so yeah. Our baby's nickname is little sandwich"

"That makes a lot of sense. I really can't wait to see pictures of your little boy once he's born. You always name him Mark"

Patrick laughed and shocked his head. "I think we are trying not to name the baby after people we know cause our other friends would get very offended. Especially Brendon Urie and Gabe Saporta"

"Well it was nice seeing you and once again congratulation on the huge news" He hugged Patrick and Pete once he saw them and wished them luck. On the car ride to the venue it was pretty quiet.

"Are you mad at me?" Patrick asked Pete.

"No. I'm just thinking"


"About how lucky are little sandwich is and about how pissed our parents probably are" Pete said. The two had completely forgot to tell their parents. Pete was pretty sure their friends were probably 10 times pissed. Both their phones vibrated and they both looked. Gabe had texted Pete saying, "why theft I didn't you tell me?!?" Brendon texted Patrick saying, "Oh my God!! I can't wait to spoil your kid!! I can't wait to see you tonight so I can rub the little bump of yours" They showed each other the texts and laughed.

"Now that's done. We just need to plan everything else" Patrick said.

"Yeah. Just five more months and we can hold our little sandwich" Pete said rubbing the bump.

"Dammit. Now I want a sandwich" Patrick said. "And ice cream" he made a face not knowing why he wanted ice cream.

"I'm guessing your cravings are kicking in" Pete smiled. "Can you stop at that Subway?" Pete said to the driver.

A/n: taking baby name requests.

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