Bliss And Sally Arrive

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Pete parked the car in the hospital parking lot and got out. He ran to the other side to help Patrick get out. "I got it" Patrick said as he got out the car with a hand protectively over her stomach. Of course at that time he felt a contraction. "Oh dear Lord. I do need help" he cried out as he gripped Pete's arm tightly.

"That's what I thought" Pete murmured. He help Patrick and then remembered something. "Wait" he opened the door to the car and got what he needed from the glove compartment.

"Why do you have a mirror?" Patrick questioned.

"I promised you I would bring one when you were giving birth" Patrick smiled at the fact that Pete remembered. He kissed his husband softly and then they continued rushing into the hospital.

"Hi. We need to get a room for my husband. His doctor is Cecilia and he's gone into labor" Pete said to the lady at the front desk. She nodded and got another nurse to get Patrick a wheelchair. "Sir I'm gonna need you to feel these papers out"

Pete sighed and kissed Patrick's cheek before he was wheeled to a room. Pete stood there quickly filling out the papers with his husband's information. As he was doing that he saw the kids, the guys, and Patricks mom walk in.

"Where's Patrick?" Patricia asked worried.

"They took him to the back I have to fill out these papers" Pete said frustrated.

"Here I got it dear. Go. Rick really needs you right now" she said.

"Thank you so much"

He handed them to Patricia and then ran in the direction they took Patrick.

He walked into the room to see Patrick already in the bed wearing a hospital gown. "How you doing?" Pete asked as he sat in the uncomfortable chair next to the bed.

"Good. Just hurts every once in awhile" Patrick said trying to find a sitting position that doesn't hurt his back.

"Everyone just got here. I'm sure someone will come in soon" Pete said as he held Patrick's hand.

"How are you doing?" Patrick asked.

"What do you mean?" Pete asked back.

"I mean how are you feeling?"

Pete sighed and said, "Nervous, excited, scared"

"Everything's gonna be okay. I know it will. I have good feeling" Patrick said smiling hugely. Pete smiled back and moved so he can kiss Patrick.

"Oh ow" Patrick winced once he broke the kiss. Pete couldn't help and smile at how even in pain his husband was so adorable. Now Pete isn't a sadist because he still felt bad for him.

They sat there holding hands waiting for the contractions to be closer. Pete had pulled his phone out and took a picture of his and Patrick's hands. He smiled as he looked at the image. He loved seeing the contrast of his tan skin against Patrick's milk white skin. He loved how perfect the wedding ring looked on Patrick's finger. He posted it on Instagram and captioned it, 'Was having a good day and now it's gonna be ten times greater soon.' He tagged Patrick and smiled as people started liking and commenting.

Patrick's phone buzzed and he grabbed it to see the picture Pete posted. He smiled and commented back so excited. He realized he hadn't posted in a long time so he held up his phone to take a video. He was looking at the camera and then moved it so Pete was in the frame. Pete was looking down at his phone and his other hand was still tangled with Patrick's.

"Peter" Patrick softly said to get his attention. He looked up and smiled at the camera.

"After how many years, you finally got me" Patrick laughed and then winced in pain. Pete just lifted their joined hands and kissed the top of Patrick's hand. Patrick posted it and captioned it, 'Love you @petewentz'

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