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Hi hi :)

Forget to save,
Ignore the first thought,
The secret is all you've got,
Save that spot,
Don't let them know,
They want it to go,
So you must show,
In the hopes they believe,
Hover over the keys,
Change your words,
At least a few times before sending,
Your words are different,
Keep defending,
All that time you're spending,
Breaking yourself,
Not on a shelf,
Dropped to the floor,
More and more,
By your mind,
Hoping someone will find,
That you're not okay,
And thoughts won't go away,
You just want people to stay,
So you away,
Once again,
Before hitting the floor,
Once more,
So much you stop keeping track,
How can you?
You're mind is under attack,
You just want it back,
And to be cut some slack,
But nothing happens,
So you sit alone,
On your pillow throne,
In your own zone,
Quietly loosing your mind,
That you'll never find,
Or repair,
It's just not there,
And there's no time to spare,
This state of despair,
It's unfair,
So just take in air,
And let it out,
Don't shout,
Keep silent,
As thoughts go violent,
And you're gone.

So uh whatever that was...
YOU'RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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