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Hi hi. Odd name for a part of a thing that I still don't know is. I was just thinking.
The amount of lurking on the Internet I do is quite a bit. Not in a stalker way, but in a looking way. I'll look at things and scroll through and poke around, but I won't comment or like or do anything about it. I wonder if that's normal or am I simply too lazy to be bothered to do anything. I'm not really sure.
Lurking is a weird word. I wonder who came up with it. Lurking in the shadows, water, and tall grass. Well the other two apply more to animals and not humans. Oh well. Humans are strange anyway like we set up rules for ourselves and take over things. It's weird how we've gotten to this point in time. I wonder how everyone comes up with ideas. The brain must work a lot, but I don't think we use that much of it. Life is a weird thing. It always ends in death. Scary to think we don't know what happens after. It could be nothing and it could be everything. That's pretty much the reason religions were started. A bunch of people had different ways of thinking and told other people who were kind of like, "yeah sure, that sounds cool. If we're good we go somewhere good and if we're bad we go somewhere bad."
I'm pretty sure that's kinda what happened. Probably not, but if it's all like the sameish teachings of don't be a bad person why must there be so many different after lives? I guess people need incentive to be good instead of saying forget it and being horrible, but shouldn't people want to be good anyway? That's the thing I don't get why people can't just be nice. Like then bullying would stop and people wouldn't be hurt and there wouldn't be anymore wars. It'd be awesome if that could happen. People would feel better. Wishful thinking I guess though because there are too many people to have everyone be good. We'd have no reason to punish people and it'd end up as a utopia, but those always have prices. What is the cost of niceness? That'd be a fun question to ask random people. I think my answer would be time. Just time I mean in order to be nice you could take time out of your day and life to help someone. That could lead to missed opportunity and things like that. I think I'm just rambling now...sorry I guess. Actually I'm not sure that I'm sorry because you've chosen to read this so haha the joke is on you because this is taking up time out of your life and day or night depending on what time it is. I don't know when you'll be seeing this so yay. Time stuff. My brain went from lurking to time consuming. Writing is an interesting thing my thoughts I guess just go all over the place. I don't wanna waste your precious time so I guess good night or day because again time and things. Enjoy the time at hand. Bye bye.

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