I poured everything I had into you
Then I realized you were an empty bottle
A bottle without a bottom
So I could keep trying to fill you up
So you would no longer be empty
But all my love kept pouring out
Being wasted
Just lying there on the groundI knew you were broken
But I kept trying to mend you
It was like putting tape on a stab wound
I wonder if that's how you felt
As if you were constantly being stabbed
And I was just the useless tape
Desperately attempting to hold you togetherI even tried to tape the bottom of the bottle
Tried to put it back on
I even tried glue
But nothing would make it stay for long
You accepted my love temporarily
And then I remembered
What a friend once told me
Everything is temporaryEventually you'd fall in love
But with the wrong person of course
They would take you and break you
Smash you on the ground
Your glass would be everywhere
It no longer would matter
That the bottle had not bottom
Because it was too broken to be taped
That's when I knew
You were gone
Red Rose's Poems
Poetry100% honest 100% of the time If you want me to write a poem on a specific topic, message me privately. Thank you:) Happy reading!