Free is a Lie

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You have the right to your religion
So I guess that means you're free
But then you abuse that power
And take away my rights from me

I'm a 27 year old man
I have my husband at my side
I enter your flower shop
You stare me dead in the eyes

I ask you for some flowers
You ask who they are for
I point to my husband next to me
Then you show us to the door

You say you refuse to help us
That our kind is a disgrace
I didn't realize we were different
Thought we were all part of the human race

I ask for you to explain
But you shove us on the street
Say my husband and I aren't welcome
Most disgusting humans you could meet

Astonished by your behavior
There were tears in my eyes
My husband said it's cause we are gay
I told him that must be a lie

I marched back into your store
Asking for an explanation please
You claim that God doesn't like gays
And ask "how stupid can you be?"

I tried to control my temper
My husband pulls me back out the door
I said we had to do something
That we had a case worth fighting for

So we called up our lawyer
She told us there was nothing she could do
Said that in the state of North Carolina
We just could not sue

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