Like a Girl

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"You run like a girl" he said
My blood boiled through my every vein
How could he be so stupid?
Was he even sane?

"You hit like a girl" the teacher said
I asked what was wrong with that
She told me it was a bad thing
Then said for me to put down the bat

"Stop acting like a woman"
A boy shouted to his male friend
But what was wrong with being a woman
This was the wrong message to send

"Don't cry like a little girl" they said to him
But I thought boys could cry too
That's what I was taught when I was younger
I still believe that holds true

Those phrases were intended to be insults
As if being a woman was not good
But those "innocent" phrases turn into actions
Leading to events I hoped they never would

Running like a girl came in handy
When she outran her attacker
She ran so fast, just like a girl
That he was unable to track her

Hitting like a girl was important
When they tried to steal her bag
She hit them with a rock
Her strength was something for her to brag

Acting like a woman?
How does a woman even act?
I don't want to hear the stereotypes
I want to hear a single fact

Crying like a girl?
Doesn't everyone cry the same?
I did not know genders had a different cry
For this lie, who is to blame?

You say these offensive words
But what about when you have a daughter
She will not think being a girl is bad
Unless that is what you taught her

Spare the future generations
They are in need of a little hope
Because girls can do anything they want
They do not just jump rope

We don't all wear pink
We do not always wear a dress
Burn those stereotypes to the ground
Leaving the ashes as a mess

I am well aware of the fact
Girls and boys both can be
Anything their heart desires
I won't let your negative words define me

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