Chapter 22: Insanity

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Liam and Louis won't leave me alone. They're always by my side, taking care of me. I don't think I need them, but they insist on being with me all the time. 

I asked Liam why, and he replied that the pain was affecting me too much and was making me delusional.

I don't know what he's talking about. I'm perfectly fine. 

Maybe he says that because sometimes Niall walks to me and yells in my face and punches me. But I don't know. Usually, when Niall is there, Liam only rubs my back and tells me to calm down while Louis speaks to me. I never understand what he says, but Niall always leaves at these moments. That's weird.

I don't want to sing anymore. I don't want to hear about Dan anymore. I don't want to go out anymore. I just want to stay home and cry and take the pain killers. Nothing else.

It also hurts me a lot to see Niall insulting me and hurting me all the time. He hates me so much. I hate him too, I just want him to leave me alone. But that's weird that Liam and Louis deny that he's here. And Harry did yesterday too... But he was there... I swear... He wants my death... I just want Niall to leave me alone. He betrayed us one time, why does he keep on hurting me so bad...

That's unbearable when I see him I just want to rip off my eyes.

Maybe that's why Liam and Louis want to stay with me so bad. Because they’re scared Niall will punch me too hard someday if he keeps on visiting me..?

Whatever, I don't know. And I don't care. I just want my pain killers. Leave me alone. I don't want to do anything. Give me the pain killers. I don't remember what you just said, Liam. Pain killers. Why are you so blurry Louis? Nevermind, I don't care. Pain killers. Niall leave me alone, I hate you too. Pain killers. Give them to me. Please. I beg you. Someone..?


"Why doesn't he pick it up?"

Liam puts the phone back on the table and turns to me. We are at Zayn's house. We can't be on our own anymore, we're losing our heads one by one. 

Zayn is sitting on the sofa, his knees leaning on his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs and he's staring that the ceiling with a melancholic look. He's smiling insanely, sometimes grunting and whispering a few incomprehensible words.

He's not feeling okay since the concert and he's completely delusional. Schizophrenic, actually. That's what Liam and I theorized.

Zayn keeps on hallucinating Niall, but he thinks it's really him coming every time and punching him right in the throat. It's really sad to see him going off rails like this. We want to help Zayn but he's trapped in his own little world and tells us he's fine, that Niall only hates him and that he doesn't want to hear about it. He acts like a 5 years old... It's like he lost any abilities of thinking and interacting... he lost his reason.

He's completely out of this world. And it's shattering. Liam and I really looking after him.

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