Chapter 31: That damn letter

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If it wasn't for my extreme tiredness, I bet I would feel a lot better. I don't even want to think about the visit to the doctor, Liam kept categorizing me as "mentally unstable" and "mentally retarded". That's not what I was... I was there all along, the boys were the one distant, they didn't help me, not at all! I was there, yelling for them but they never came!

I just don't want to hear about it...

But at least now my body wants to move and I can talk, that's one positive thing.

When Niall came at the concert, it really made me realize that, maybe he doesn’t actually hate us. Because he obviously wouldn't have been at our concert! It felt so warm inside when I saw him, it was so relieving, so relaxing. It felt like all the pain I had suffered from had disappeared and only left a reassuring feeling.

I know there's something wrong going on, I know it. Niall doesn't hate us and I'm one hundred percent sure of that. But, I'm just SO tired to talk about anything today, I just want to crawl in bed and sleep...

We're all sitting around the kitchen table, Niall's "letter" in the middle. Nobody is talking, we're all staring at the letter, except from Zayn who doesn't know what's going on.

We decided to examine his letter. Since Louis, Zayn and I saw him, it's definitely a sign he's trying to come back. There's certainly something wrong behind all of this and Liam thought the letter would be a start.

"Liam..." Louis whispers after a few minutes of silence. "So... you have the results for Harry's examination..? Is he alright?"

"You know I can hear you, Louis..." I say under my breath.

Louis looks down, embarrassed.

"He had a post-traumatic shock." Liam explains, trying to make his voice low so I can't hear, which doesn’t really work because I can hear him very clearly.

"That's what made him so quiet and distant... But when we yelled at each other the other day, we kind of pulled him out of his black hole. He's alright now, but since he didn't react for so long and got lost inside himself, his body feels very tired all the time. He just has to rest and he's going to be okay again."

I pretend I didn't hear. I'm indeed too tired to protest and say I hate to hear people talk about me under my nose like I wasn't there.

So, just like Louis had read my mind, he takes the "letter" from Niall and reads it an again.

"First of all, if Niall wanted to write to us, why didn't he write it himself instead of typing it and printing it out?" Louis pondered. "This makes no sense now that I think about it..."

Liam takes the letter off of Louis' hands and nods. He reads the letter too and frowns his eyebrows.

"And... also... his signature seems weird..." Liam points out. "His letters are usually very curvy, here, they're all very square..."

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