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Niall opened his eyes widely. He had this weird impression of falling, which made him wake up instantly. Sweating, panting, he was too scared to look around him. Was he dead? Was he in hospital? Was Liam here? What?!

Niall's head spun, starting to feel dizzy. He tried to move and, surprisingly, it wasn't painful. "It's a miracle!" He thought.

But his joy left immediately. If he could move and nothing hurt after this horrid fall, that definitely meant he was dead. 

Depressed and exhausted, Niall rubbed his sweaty forehead and passed his hair through his hair.

"Wait a second..." 

Niall held his breath. Fear and excitement rushed through his body. As far as he could remember, when he fell through the window last night... His hair was shaved.

Why did he feel long hair through his fingers!? The last time he had long hair was back to that night after a concert when Marco told him to leave the band... That could only mean one thing..!

Niall touched what he was laying on. It wasn't a cloud. It wasn't the depths of hell. It was... a fucking couch.

Niall jumped on his feet, elated. He looked all around him; it wasn't heaven, it wasn't hell, it wasn't a hospital, it wasn't that wooden Mullingar house... it was... it was... the tour bus! He's alive!

But it's when Niall saw Liam sitting on the couch in front of him with his headphones on and his eyes closed that he screamed at the top of his lungs with happiness.

He jumped on Liam, hugging him as hard ad he could. 

"LIAM!!!" Niall yelled, taking Liam's headphones off. "LIAM!! OH MY GOD YOU'RE THERE! I AM THERE! WE'RE THERE!!!!"
"Niall, what are you doing?!" Liam said with a sleepy voice.
"I SURVIVED, I MADE IT LIAM! I SURVIVED! YOU SURVIVED! WE'RE STILL HERE!" Niall continued, hugging Liam harder.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Liam laughed.
"I love you too, Niall, but you're sorry for what?" Liam asked, confused. 
"FOR HARRY, ZAYN AND LOUIS! AND DAN! AND EVERYONE ELSE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!" Niall desperately said, hugging Liam as hard as physic allowed.
"Dan? Who's Dan?" Liam pondered. "And stop screaming like that, Harry, Zayn and Louis are sleeping in their bunks!"
"You don't know Dan?" Niall said, confused.
"No... should I?"
"Does that mean he never existed..." Niall thought to himself out loud. 
"Probably because I've never heard of any Dan..." Liam told.
"Wait, did you just say that Harry, Zayn and Louis are sleeping??? IN THEIR BUNKS???" Niall continued, getting even more excited.
"Yeah, that's why you should stop screaming like that!"

A rock fell down Niall's stomach. Harry, Zayn and Louis are sleeping... in their bunks... they are ALIVE!

Niall jumped on his feet again and sprinted to the bunks. When he pushed the curtains of all their bunks and saw Zayn, Louis and Harry peacefully sleeping, when he saw their chest going up and down with the rhythm of their breath, when he noticed no blood stains on their bodies... he melted in hysterical tears.

Niall was unable to express how grateful he was to see them alive. It made him collapse to the ground and cry in ecstasy. 

Harry heard the hysterical sobs and it woke him up. He took a peek out of his bunk and saw Niall, laying on the ground, crying. Not knowing what was making Niall so sad, Harry instantly got worried. He jumped down his bunk and crouched down next to the hysterical Niall.

"Niall, what's wrong?" Harry asked with a sleepy and worried voice. "Hey, buddy, look at me, it's okay."

When Niall heard Harry's voice talking to him and his hand touch his back, he cried even harder of joy. He sat back up and faced Harry. His face was looking at him, his skin was a normal color, his green eyes were shining bright and he couldn't look more alive. 

Niall threw himself in his arms, wetting his shoulder.
"What do you mean, Niall?" Harry asked, confused. "I've never left, I've been here the whole time..."

Niall stopped hugging Harry and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I know but never leave me alone again... Never ever..." 
"What's happening in here?" Louis said, his head peeking out his bunk and looking down at Harry and Niall. "I'm trying to sleep here!"


Niall jumped up and wrapped his arms around Louis' neck, crying. Louis, disoriented, hugged Niall back with one arm.

"SAME FOR YOU!" Niall screamed, hugging him tighter. "I love you all so much, I hate being alone, don't leave me alone... I'm nothing without you... I'm nothing..."

Louis looked at Harry, asking him with his eyes what the hell was Niall talking about. Harry shrugged his shoulders, as confused as Louis why Niall was so upset and shaken.

All of the noise Niall was making woke Zayn up in the bunk next to Louis. He groaned and moved to the left to try and ignore all of the noises.

But it wasn't subtle enough because Niall heard him move and jumped out of Louis' grip. He bounced up to reach Zayn's bunk and wrapped him with his arms. Zayn tried to sneak away but Niall's grip was too hard. He held him tight against him and kept on screaming everything that's been resting on his heart the whole time he's been gone... or at least the time he thought he was gone.

"Promise me you'll never leave me alone ever again..." Niall cried into Zayn's shoulder. "I can't stand being alone, you need to stay with me... with me... And if you leave... let me tell you my final goodbyes... I beg you..."

Liam had walked into the hallway of the bunks a few minutes ago and heard everything Niall had said. 

Now four of the boys, Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn were all concerned about Niall. Why was he telling them to not leave him alone..?

"Niall, we never left!" Zayn said, pushing Niall away and jumping down his bunk to stand next to the four other boys. "What are you talking about!"
"You were all dead..." Niall said, desperately looking at the ground, lost in his own memory. 

Everything in his head was blurry, the time he was alone in Mullingar, the time he first heard the boys were mad at him and didn't want to hear about him anymore, the time Dan came in the group, when he drove back to Mullingar, at the bar, the shooting...

Niall remembered every single moment, but the images were so blurry, all he could see was shapes and colors. He was so disoriented, he didn't understand, it looked so real, the boys were dead... Liam had run away... he was pushed over a window... but they were all here, right now, alive...

"But Dan!" Niall exclaimed, so confused. "Dan... He was there... he... he... Dan!!"
"Who?" Harry asked, scratching the back of his head.
"Dan!" Niall repeated desperately. "He was there, you hated him! You... all did... Dan..."
"We don't know any Dan's, Niall..." Harry said.
"Niall, you probably only had a very bad nightmare..." Liam concluded with a soft voice. "You ate tons of sugar before the concert and you fell straight asleep as soon as we stepped back in the tour bus. It wouldn't surprise me you had horrible nightmares."

Niall looked up at the boys. His eyes opened wide and they shone bright. 

"A nightmare..." Niall whispered. 

It hit Niall so hard it cut his breath. A nightmare... Nothing so horrible could've happened to a boy band! And he knew Marco liked him quite a lot, he could never kick him out, and even if he wanted, Niall wouldn't let that happen so easily and the boys neither! And they wouldn't let a new member join in... Dan...

"A nightmare..." Niall repeated. "It was only a nightmare..."

And suddenly, all the stress, all the loneliness, all the unhappiness he had felt during the past months, well, actually, for the past few hours he had spent having nightmares, vanished and left an extreme exaltation inside of Niall.

He was never alone, he was never kicked out of the band... He never almost killed himself.

Niall quickly looked at his wrist; it was clean. No cuts, no blood, no scars, nothing. The flames of happiness burnt brighter inside of him and his eyes became teary again. He was happy.

Niall threw himself in the boys' arms and hug all four of them at the same time. The boys, still very confused by Niall's weird behaviour, hugged him back, smiling at this wave of love he crashed upon them.

"It was all just a nightmare." Niall whispered, holding his four best friends as hard as he could. "Just a nightmare... I love you boys."

They all replied with a quiet "I love you too", embracing each other.

"You can be so weird sometimes." Liam laughed. 

Harry, Louis and Zayn all agreed by laughing slightly in turn, but Niall didn't hear. He was just too happy to have all of his friends back.

The boys then let off the embrace after a moment.

"So what was your horrible nightmare?" Louis asked. "We were all dead?"
"It was nothing..." Niall brushed it off. "Nothing..."

They looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and said goodnight to each other. The boys headed to their bunks and all went back to sleep, except from Niall. They were still ignoring what was the horrible nightmare and Niall made the decision to never tell them. It never happened and it was the past now. All was well.

Niall went back to the couch. He didn't want to go back to sleep. Not yet.

He looked outside the window. They were still in town. The traffic was heavy and it seemed never ending. But Niall didn't mind, though. His whole body was relaxed and his mind was free. 

Niall stared at the lights and cars outside, still trying to make his mind up on the idea that it was all a nightmare. Nothing really happened. Dan didn't even exist... 

Niall chuckled to himself.

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