New Beginnings (Sequel to Painful Love)

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Chapter 1: Stolen Moment

I closed the bedroom door, then pulled the curtains shut and took off my shirt. I rested my crossed arms on the babies' crib, smiling. They looked so beautiful.

I unhooked my bra and picked up Stefani-Lynn. She opened her eyes lazily and her eyes spotted me. I smiled again. "Hello sunshine," I said quietly. I held her in my arms and began to breast-feed her. I couldn't stop smiling. She was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I felt a light shiver at my spine, and I flinched. I looked down and saw Ashley's arms slip around my waist as he buried his face into my neck. "How's my little princess?" he asked me.

I giggled. "Which one?"

He smiled and then kissed my neck. I put Stefani-Lynn back in the crib, and reached to grab Skylar Rose. Ashley pulled me back and turned me around, kissing me madly. His hands were on my bare waist as I put my hands on his shoulders.

I pulled away slightly. "Ashley, I still need to feed Skylar.."

"That can wait, can't it?" he asked. "Just a little bit."

I smiled. "Okay."

He smiled back, then pushed me down so I was sitting on the bed. He locked his lips with mine, slowly pushing me lower and lower till my bare back felt soft blankets. He kissed down my neck, all the way down my chest to my breasts.

I grabbed his hair. "That's not for you, it's for the twins."

"I just wanna know what you taste like," he responded. His lips connected with my skin again. I moaned softly as I felt his teeth on my sensitive skin. "Ashley.."

A little while later, he returned to my level and licked his lips. "Wow, you taste really sweet."

I let a laugh escape my lips. "You're being ridiculous."

"No I'm not," he said, a teasing tone in his voice. He connected his lips with mine, letting me taste what was in his mouth.

My eyes widened, but my lips remained on his. I gave him a surprised look. He was right.

He looked at me reassuringly, talking with his eyes. I closed my eyes again, holding his head to mine and delving deeper into his mouth.

After a couple minutes, I heard a baby cry. I pulled away from Ashley. "That's Skylar.." I said.

Ashley got off of me and stood to the side as I got up to breast-feed Skylar Rose.

After that was done, I set her down in the crib, then looked at them both with a smile on my face. I put on my bra and turned to Ashley, slowly took off his shirt, and graced my fingers along his Outlaw tattoo.

We lay down on the bed, my head on his shoulder and our fingers laced together. I sighed, out of exhaustion and happiness. "I love you."

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