Chapter 9: Lurking Thoughts

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I had woken up before Ashley did and the thoughts from last night danced in my head. I smiled. Times like that, Ashley and I never got to have anymore. I could see why he had planned this trip for us, and I was truly grateful.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Ashley whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him and kissed him. "Good morning, Ashley."

Ashley's hands were rested on my hips and he pulled me atop of him.

Giggling, I asked him, "What are you doing?"

He kissed up my neck. "What? Can't we just have a little fun before we have to get up?"

I nodded my head, smiling. "Sure, why not?"

"Good," he said with a laugh.

He then leaned in to kiss my lips as I leaned into kiss his. Midway through our steamy lip lock, I looked over at the clock, and it was about two in the afternoon. "Ashley?" I said, kissing him one last time.


"Why don't we go out to the beach?"

"Sure, sounds like fun," he said. "I really need to take a shower, though."

I smirked. "So do I."

He sat up in the bed and asked, "Like old times, I see?"

"I guess so," I replied, then walked over to the bathroom door, and Ashley was following me the whole way.

Once we were both inside, he turned and locked the door. "Ready?" he asked.

I nodded my head, and we both stripped ourselves of our underwear. Then stepping into the shower, we didn't waste any time with the shower itself. He pulled me closer kissing me, pressing our steamy bodies closer together. "I love you," Ashley whispered to me, and I looked into his eyes, lost in his gaze. "I love you more."

After our shower, Ashley and I got dressed, and we packed our stuff for the day on the beach. Walking out of the hotel and holding Ashley's hand, I checked the time on my phone. It said 5:30, and I showed Ashley the time.

He said, "How about you go set this up by the beach, and I'll call Sammi to check on the girls."

I nodded my head and took the stuff from him, handing him my phone. He walked away, dialing the phone. I went to shore and laid out the blankets and set my stuff down, including Ashley's surfboard. Sitting down on the blanket, I waited for Ashley, when someone caught my eye. I looked over at the figure, he was with someone, I looked on more. 'No,' I thought. 'It can't be him. I'm just getting my faces mixed up. I don't know them.'

I lay down and closed my eyes until I felt a shadow standing over me. "Ready to go?" Ashley asked.

I jumped up. "Of course I am!" I smiled. "But you'll have to catch me," I said, running into the water.

Ashley grabbed his surfboard and chased after me. "I'll get you, Zoe!" he said, laughing.

I sat down on the shore, letting the water brush against my legs. Ashley had walked out a bit farther, setting down his board. "Coming?" he asked.

I walked over to him and sat on the board as he held it so I wouldn't fall over. "Stand up," he said. "You can do it."

I tried to stand, and with one hand Ashley held the board, and with the other he held mine. I then let go, thinking I was fine, but the next thing I knew, I was in the water. We both laughed as I propped myself up on his board with my arms. "Better luck next time," Ashley said.

After a few hours of surfing (or at least trying to), Ashley and I came back on the shore. Gathering our things, we walked to the hotel lobby, once again the same figure caught my eye. 'Who is that?' I thought. Then all of a sudden it hit me. Like all those years ago. It was Ryan with his new bride.

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