Chapter 18: Half-Awake

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White light. Bright, white light. Rushing, running, shouting... Then nothing. Darkness. I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling....

I jumped, blinking my eyes and waking up. I looked around quickly, taking in my location. Crisp white sheets, spotted gown, tubes and monitors. I was in the hospital.

"Zoe?" a familiar voice called.

"Sammi?" I asked quietly. "Where are you?"

She held my hand and squeezed it. "I'm right here, Zoe. Don't worry."

I started to panic. "What happened? Where's Ashley? Are the twins okay?"

"Shh, Zoe, calm down," she said. "You guys just got into a car wreck. You were very lucky and only got a few stitches on your leg and a minor head injury. And don't worry, the twins are still with Andy and Juliet."

I sighed. At least things were okay. Then I noticed she didn't say anything about Ashley. "What about Ashley? Is he okay?"

She sighed, hesitating to speak.

Tears threatened my eyes. "Sammi, is Ashley.." I swallowed, then spoke, "alive?"

"Yes," she finally said.

I sighed. "Then how is he?"

Seconds felt like days as she held her hesitation. Then she said, "He's... he's in a coma."

A tear fell from my eyes. "What?"

"He's in a coma," she repeated.

Time froze. I couldn't speak. I couldn't even think. But it eventually and finally sank in. Tears ran down my face, and I tried to get up, but Sammi stopped me. I looked at her. "Let me see him."

"Zoe, you're still recovering," she said. "Give it time."

"I can recover just fine without this stupid thing in my arm," I said. "I need to see Ashley."

She sighed, then looked at me. "I guess you would be fine. Let me check with a nurse." She exited the room, leaving me with my lingering thoughts.

This couldn't be happening. Ashley, in a coma? The thought brought tears to my eyes. And the fact that it was true didn't make it any better. Who was going to help me? With little things, with the twins, with myself? I couldn't even bear to think about him not pulling through. He had to come back. I needed him.

Sammi came back with a nurse. "You got lucky," she said. "After this nurse takes the needle out, you can get dressed in your original clothes and go see Ashley."

I sighed in relief. At least some good news.

I was back my blue dress that I'd worn that night; I didn't have anything else to wear. I followed Sammi to Ashley's room, hoping he wasn't too banged-up.

I entered the room, first noticing that Jinxx was there too. Then my eyes fell on Ashley. He lay in his bed, hooked up to an IV. His eyes were closed, and his body remained still, but the heart monitor beeped steadily, reassuring me he was living.

I walked over to his bedside, grabbing his hand. I sat in an empty chair beside him and started to stroke his hand, delicately running my fingers over his veins. A tear rolled down my face as I adjusted his wedding ring. I just squeezed his hand tighter, looking to his chest and watching it rise and fall, ever so gently. Every single breath he was still taking was more valuable than all the gold bars in the world. I was just glad we was still alive.

I laced my fingers with his, cleared my throat, and spoke quietly, feeling another tear fall. "Ashley, please. Wake up. I need you. The twins need you. Please. You can still hold on, I know you can. But please, just wake up." Tears streaking my face, I sat there in silence. I didn't know what else to say.

I leaned over to rest my head on Ashley's shoulder, nuzzling it softly. I squeezed his hand again, wishing to hear his voice or see his his smile. One way or another, I was going to get him back. And I wasn't leaving until he was okay.

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