Chapter 8: Let's Have Some Fun

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I opened the door of our hotel room, and my jaw dropped in happiness. "Ashley, it's beautiful!" Our room had an ocean view balcony connecting to the living room, which then connected to a small but modern kitchen and dining room. I took off my shoes and rolled my suitcase into the master bedroom. I smiled. The bed was king sized with a dark wooden bed frame, and it was fixed with crisp white sheets and a floral bedding. I turned to Ashley, placing a kiss on his lips. "It's perfect."

"Just like you," he said in return.

I blushed, then gave him a hug.

A little while later, we settled in, and I was cuddling with Ashley on the living room couch. My face was near his neck, and my arms were wrapped around him. I kissed his neck softly, then trailed kisses up to his ear. I wanted him, badly, and I figured now was the perfect time.

"Babe, what are you doing?" Ashley asked me with a slight laugh.

I gently pulled on his ear lobe with my teeth and whispered, "Get ready."

I then stood up and retrieved some lingerie from my suitcase, then headed for the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I stripped completely and put on the lingerie, which was Ashley's favorite set that he'd gotten for me when we went shopping awhile back.

I finished hooking my bra on, then surveyed myself in the mirror. 'Time for some fun,' I thought to myself.

I exited the bathroom, finding Ashley shirtless, re-buttoning his pants. He turned around and looked at me, getting the biggest grin on his face. "You look amazing!" he said.

I smiled. "You ready to go?"

He nodded, and I inched closer to him, eventually pouncing on him like a cheetah. I was on top of him, holding his shoulders and kissing him passionately. My tongue tied with his, and I moved my hands to the back of his neck as he held me at my sides. He moved his hands to the hooks of my bra, eventually unhooking it and letting it fall to the floor. I grinned, then un-buttoned and unzipped his pants.

Ashley kicked off his jeans, turning me over so that my bare back pressed against the sheets. He slowly pressed his warm body on mine, kissing up my stomach, up my chest, and up my neck. He toyed with my black lace underwear and eventually pulled it off of me. I pulled off his underwear too, running my fingers along the sides of his body. He positioned himself at my hips, when all of a sudden, I stopped him. "Ashley, may I remind you that we're on our honeymoon?"

He looked at me. "And?"

"And we're not supposed to have sex," I said. "We're supposed to make love."

He smiled. "Whatever you like, Zoe."

I pulled him closer as he took a smooth and deep thrust into me. I moaned softly, then tangled my fingers in his hair, begging for another kiss. Our lips connected again as he thrusted deeper. He ran his hands along my sides, moving his lips down my jaw and neck. I moaned a bit louder. "Ashley..." I breathed.

"What is it, honey?" he asked softly, his hips rocking against mine like the waves outside.

I moaned, my heartbeat pacing with his. "Can I have a turn?"

He smiled, turning me over so I could do my part. I let my hips rise and fall against his, feeling his heavy breathing as he let out a moan. I went a little faster, just enough so that I could get a louder moan from him. I smiled as he moaned louder in my ear.

"Ashley?" I said, looking in his chocolate-brown eyes.

"What?" he asked, smiling.

I smiled too. "I love you so much."

We were taking turns for hours, till I saw the sunset's rays out of my peripheral vision. I looked at Ashley, and he pulled out of me slowly. We cuddled up next to each other, somewhat under the covers. I smiled, wrapping my arms around him. My happiness and love for him would never end, no matter what.

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