Chapter 17: Something Isn't Right

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"Andy, it's almost ten," Juliet said, putting Stefani-Lynn in the crib. "Don't you think Ashley and Zoe should be back by now?"

"Yes, actually," Andy replied. "I didn't expect them to be out this late."

Juliet sighed. "I'm going to call Zoe to see what's up." She grabbed her phone and dialed Zoe's number, hearing the phone's low trill as she waited for a reply.

Trill, silence. Trill, silence. Trill, silence. Trill. Silence.

Eventually, the call led to Zoe's voicemail. Confused, Juliet left a message, then spoke to Andy. "That's weird," she said. "She wasn't there. Maybe you should call Ashley."

Taking the suggestion, Andy called Ashley's phone. Seconds later, there wasn't any response other than voicemail. Andy put down his phone and said, "He's not there, either. I wonder what could've-" Andy was interrupted by the ring of his own phone. He answered it quickly. "Hello?"

"Andy? It's Jinxx. You won't believe what just happened."

"Does it have anything to do with Ashley or Zoe?" Andy asked. "They aren't answering their phones."

"Um, yeah," Jinxx said. "They... They got into a car wreck."

Andy's eyes widened as the news left him speechless. "What.. What did you say?"

"Ashley and Zoe got into a car wreck," Jinxx repeated. "Sammi and I were driving home and we got stuck in traffic.. Then I saw Ashley and Zoe in a wrecked car... They were hit from the front and back.. It doesn't look so good."

"Oh my god... This is horrible.. Where are you?"

"Sammi and I are going to go to the hospital to see them."

"Okay. Call when you have any more news."

"Okay," Jinxx said. "Bye."

"Bye." Andy hung up, then exchanged glances with Juliet.

"So, who was that?" she asked.

"Jinxx," Andy said. "He told me Ashley and Zoe got into a car crash."

"Oh my god..." Juliet said, covering her open mouth with her hand. "What should we do?"

"Well, Jinxx and Sammi are on their way to the hospital to check on them. I think we should just try to remain calm and attend to the twins if they need something."

"Okay," Juliet said. "Andy..." she started.

"What?" he asked.

She grabbed him into a hug. "I hope they're okay."

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