Chapter 7: A Perfect Getaway

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A few months later, the twins are almost six months old, and Zoe and Ashley deserved sometime to themselves.

Zoe's POV

I woke up to Ashley waving a envelope in my face. "What is that, Ashley?" I said, kinda angry that he had woken me up.

"Oh, lighten up, Zoe," he said, then handed me the envelope. "Open it."

I sat up and opened the envelope. I couldn't believe my eyes. "No way, you didn't..." I said to him as I pulled out the two tickets to Hawaii.

"We leave tomorrow," he said with the cutest smile.

"What about the twins?" I asked.

"Jinxx and Sammi will be here later to watch the girls, don't worry."

I hugged him. "What's the occasion?"

He laughed some. "Think of it as the honeymoon we never had." He gave me a wink.

"How sweet of you to think about us like that." I gave him a smile.

"I thought it would be nice to have some alone time." Ashley then leaned into kiss me, I leaned in as well as he held my sides. He gently lay me down on the bed, still kissing me. "Ashley," I spoke between kisses, "we need to pack."

He rolled off of me and said, "Fine, we'll have to wait till we get to Hawaii."

"Yes, we will," I said, laughing.

Later that night, Ashley and I had finished our packing, and Sammi and Jinxx had just arrived. "I guess you guys are staying the night?" I asked. "Since our flight is so early."

"Oh, of course," Sammi said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said.

The next morning, Ashley and I said our goodbyes and we left. I knew it was going to be hard being away from my babies for a week, but I knew I could do it. We boarded the plane about six in the morning and we arrived in Hawaii about three in the afternoon. After getting off the plane, Ashley kissed me and said, "Can't wait for all the fun we can have here."

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