Chapter 4: Do Us A Favor

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The next morning I woke up in Ashley's arms. He was still asleep, so I didn't want to wake him. I slid myself out of his arms and grabbed some clothes to slip into. Then I tied my hair up, walking down the hall to the twins room. I peeked my head inside and they were still peacefully sleeping. 'Better enjoy it while it lasts' I thought.

I shut the door and began to make some coffee in the kitchen. While reaching for a cup out of the cabinets, I felt two warm hands touch my sides. "Good morning beautiful," Ashley whispered in my ear.

I set down the cup and turned around. "Good morning to you too," I said, then kissed him lightly. I was about to pull away, but Ashley put his hand on my cheek and kissed me deeply. I just went with it and kissed him back. I then heard the beep of the coffee maker and I pulled away. "Didn't you get enough last night?" I teased Ashley.

He laughed and said, "I could never have enough of you Zoe."

I laughed and poured us both a cup and I handed it to him. "Any plans for the day?" I asked Ashley as I leaned against the counter.

He took a sip and said, "Well no, not really. We can just stay home with the twins if you want."

I nodded my head and then heard the faint cry of a baby. "I got it," I said, setting down my coffee. I walked into the twins room and saw both of my girls staring widely up at me as I looked over the crib. "Good morning my loves," I whispered.

I went to pick up Skylar Rose and I laid her down on the changing table. I changed her diaper and found a pink onesie and put her in it. I then laid her back down in the crib and then I picked up Stefani-Lynn. I changed her and put a black onesie on her.

I noticed Jake standing in the doorway, and I jumped a little. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

He laughed and said, "Not long." He walked into the room and picked up Skylar Rose. "She's beautiful," he said, running his finger along her face.

"Of course she is, and so is Stefani-Lynn" I added.

"Well, obviously," he said, then smiled. "So how is having twins treating you guys?"

I sighed. "Well, it's hard work, but it's rewarding."

"So long as you're happy with it," he said.

I looked at Stefani-Lynn, then at Skylar Rose, whose eyes were closed as she lay in Jake's arms. "I've never been happier," I said, smiling.

He placed Skylar Rose back in the crib and looked at me. "And what happened to you?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

He smirked. "There's a hickey on your neck."

I rubbed my neck with a hand, then groaned and mumbled profanity under my breath. "Why do you happen to notice everything?"

He laughed. "I guess I just have a good eye."

I let a small laugh escape my lips. "Well, that's not always an advantage."

Then Ashley entered the room, followed by Ella. "So, how do you feel, Zoe?" Ella asked. "Are the twins giving you a hard time?"

"I've never been more exhausted in my life," I answered. "But it's not that bad."

"Well that's good." She looked over in the crib. "They're so adorable," she said. "Can I hold one?"

I smiled. "Sure. Here's Stefani-Lynn." I picked Stefani-Lynn up and gave her to Ella.

"I love the name," she said. "What's the other one's name?"

"Skylar Rose," I answered.

"Since you like them so much, you should baby sit them sometime," Ashley said with a laugh. "Give us a little free time."

Ella looked over at Jake. "Oh! Can we? I mean it would be practice for when we have a baby."

Jake looked over at me. "Is that all right with you? They are your babies," Jake asked with a small laugh.

I nodded. "Of course! I need to get out of the house maybe do some clothes shopping."

"Well great!" Ella said with a smile. "You guys go get ready and we'll watch over the girls."

Ashley and I nodded and then left the room to go get dressed.

After getting ready, Ashley and I kissed the babies goodbye and said, "I love you."

"Bye Jake!" Ashley called as we walked out the door. We both got in car and Ashley asked, "Where to, Zoe?"

I thought about it. "We should go to the mall, I REALLY need to clothes, nothing fits anymore."

Ashley smiled. "Sure, we can do that."

At the mall I dragged Ashley through countless stores. Being the gentleman he was, he held all my bags for me so I wouldn't have to. As we were walking a long time, I saw the sign for Victoria's Secret, and Ashley said, "Please? Can we go in?"

I smirked at him. "Sure, why not?" And I walked inside with him.

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