Chapter 12: Okay, Now Panic

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Ashley froze, his face expressionless. "What did you say?"

"I think the twins might be having a sibling," I repeated. "Ashley, I just threw up. We had sex almost a week ago."

He gave me a look. "I wore a condom."

I sighed. "I know, I know! Maybe it broke...?"

Shock grew in his eyes. "Are you sure? It could've been something you ate."

"I highly doubt it," I said, then headed towards my suitcase. I dropped to my knees, digging through it frantically. Happening to be at the way bottom, I eventually found it: my pregnancy tester.

Ashley gave me another look. "Why'd you bring that?"

"Better safe than sorry," I replied, then went back to the bathroom. "I'll only be a minute or two." I closed the bathroom door, locking it.

I used the tester quickly, then washed my hands as I waited for my result. 'Oh please,' I thought, 'please, please, PLEASE come back negative.'

I stared at it a bit longer, then saw my result: negative. I let out a huge relieved sigh, opening the door and leaning against the doorjamb.

"Please tell me it was a false alarm," Ashley said, worried.

I showed the tester to him. "Don't worry, it's all good."

He let out a relieved sigh, worry still lurking in his eyes. "So if you're not pregnant, what caused you to throw up?"

I pressed the back of my hand to my forehead, remembering my headache from earlier. "I don't know..." I spoke slowly. "Maybe it was..." I felt dizzy and fell into Ashley's arms, blacking out.

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