Chapter 19: Monitor

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Two weeks had passed. I hadn't left Ashley's bedside, not once. But Sammi had convinced me to at least change into different clothes, so she brought a full set and I switched out my clothing. But I kept persisting, always being there for Ashley. I'd talk to him, I'd sing to him, I'd even fall asleep on his shoulder. But I never left his side.

Jinxx and Sammi visited again today to talk to me. "Zoe, please," Sammi started, "you should really go back home."

"No," I said. "I'm not leaving Ashley."

"But the twins need you," she said. "You haven't seen them in two weeks."

I bit my lip. She did have a point, but I still wouldn't budge. "Are Andy and Juliet still taking care of them?" I asked.

"Yeah, but that's not the point," Jinxx said. "You're their mother, Zoe."

"And Ashley is their father," I said reluctantly. "I'm only doing this because we all need him." I looked at Ashley. "He needs to wake up."

Sammi sighed. "We'll be in the waiting room," she called, then left the room with Jinxx.

I returned my attention to Ashley, hearing his heart monitor beep steadily. Beep.. Beep... Beep....

My eyes widened. It was getting slower.

Not thinking twice, I got on top of Ashley with my knees at his sides. Tears threatened my eyes, and I squeezed his hand tightly, trying to keep his heartbeat stable. "No, no, no, Ashley.. Please, wake up! Come on, I know you can pull through. Just please, hang on." Tears rolled down my face as the heart monitor gradually slowed, but I persisted. "Think about me. Think about the twins. Think about Stefani and Skylar. Please, Ashley, they need you. I need you. Just please, don't give up on me." Tears were blinding my vision, but I could still see his face, and I heard the beeping of the heart monitor get slower and slower. I held his face with one hand and squeezed his hand tighter with the other. Fearing a flat line from the monitor, I quickly blinked back my tears and kissed him. All else failed, and it was the only thing I could think of.

Seconds passed. But then, a strong hand squeezed my hand back as caring lips pressed against mine in return. I pulled away slightly, hearing the heart monitor speed back up to its original pace. I looked at Ashley; his eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal those shimmering, dark brown eyes I had loved so much. I smiled, letting more tears roll down my face. "Ashley?"

He gave me a light smile, squeezing my hand again. "Hey, Zoe."

"Ashley!" I exclaimed in happiness, kissing his face and pulling him into a tight hug. I wanted to squeeze the living life out of him, never, ever letting him go. He was back. My husband, my rock, my best friend. My soulmate, my saviour, my one and only. He was back, and I was never going to let him go as long as I ever lived.

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