Chapter 5: Faith

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Still in my jean capris, I hooked on a sequined black bra: the third bra I'd tried on. Ashley had picked it out for me, so I didn't complain with trying it on. I surveyed myself in the mirror, letting my wedding ring catch my eye. 'Ashley, you always make me happy,' I thought.

"You done in there?" Ashley asked me behind the changing room door.

"Yep," I said. I unlocked the changing room door, letting him look at me.

"I knew you'd look great in it!" he exclaimed.

"You really like it?" I asked.

"Yes, definitely! You look sexy in it." He gave me a grin.

I blushed. "Well, thanks. I'll take this one as well, then." I counted on my fingers. "That makes three. I don't think we have the pockets for another one."

"Okay. Here, give me that one and I'll pay up."

"Alright," I said, then closed the door and unhooked my bra. I handed it to Ashley under the door, and he took it along with the other two. I put on my original bra and my shirt and then headed out.

As I walked out, I realized that I forgot my purse in the changing room. Before getting it, I looked for Ashley. He just got done checking out, when all of a sudden, a blonde girl stopped to talk to him. Their conversation, I couldn't hear, but I read their body language. Ashley had a stern look in his eyes, and the blonde girl was trying to flirt with him. He held up his left hand to signify that he was committed, but that didn't stop her. She grabbed him by the shirt for a kiss. After a little bit, Ashley backed away. But he grabbed her shoulder and whispered something in her ear.

I turned away, walking to my changing room and trying to deny what just happened. We were married - with twins and everything! Why would he just throw it all away? He wouldn't do that. He just... couldn't.

I tried to hold back my tears as I sat in the changing room, but gave up and let them fall. My denial faded as I grew in sadness of my insinuation. 'Forget it, then?' I thought to myself. 'Was it even real? Was Ashley even real to my life, or just a dream? Was my happiness even worth anything? Did I even-'

"Zoe, open the door," Ashley said.

I sniffed, wiping my tears. "No. If you wanna say things behind my back, go ahead."

"Zoe, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Who was she, Ashley? Who was that girl that you kissed?"

He sighed. "Her name's Emily.. She's just a past girlfriend. I had no idea she'd be here, let alone the fact that she would even kiss me. Now open the door, Zoe."

I wiped my eyes again, then opened the door. Ashley closed it behind him, then sat on the floor next to me. I sniffed again, then spoke. "What'd you whisper to her?"

"What?" Ashley asked, confused.

"What'd you whisper to her?" I repeated. "I saw you say something."

"I only told her to leave and to give up on trying to get me," Ashley said sincerely.

I sighed, then pulled Ashley into a hug. "I'm sorry, Ashley... I'm just being stupid. I'm being ridiculous and stupid."

"It's okay, honey," he said, wrapping his arms around me. "Just one thing," he started.

"What?" I asked, looking in his eyes.

He smiled. "I'm glad you didn't take your ring off."

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