Chapter 10: There Goes My First Impression

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I prodded Ashley's shoulder. "Ashley..." I whispered.

"Yeah, Zoe?" he asked.

"Umm, Ryan and his girlfriend are over there." I pointed to where they were standing, about fifteen feet away.

He looked at me, then at them. "What should we do?"

"I don't know," I said. "Maybe we should just-"

"Zoe, is that you?" Ryan asked, walking towards us with Angie. "Man, we've gotta stop running into each other!"

I laughed awkwardly. "Well..."

"What are you doing here, exactly?" Ashley asked.

"Just celebrating our honeymoon," Ryan said, wrapping an arm around Angie's waist. "Isn't that right, baby?"

Angie gave a smile, tucking a strand of brunette behind her ear. "Yep, Ryan and I are married now."

I somehow smiled, finding it ironic that we were here for the same exact reason. "Well, isn't that funny?" I said. "Ashley and I are here for the same reason."

"Wait," Ryan started. "Weren't you expecting?"

"Yeah, we left the twins with two trusty friends," I replied.

Angie smiled. "Twins?"

I gave a shy smile back. "Yeah. So it's like a delayed honeymoon, since the twins were actually born on our wedding day."

"Aw, well I hope you're okay with being away from them," Angie said. "You've already been through so much."

"You have no idea.." I said under my breath. "It's only for a week; I think we'll be fine." I gave a reassuring smile to Angie.

"Well, good. I guess Ryan and I better get going... Can I give you a hug?" she asked, kindness in her hazel eyes.

I was confused, but accepted it. She seemed so nice. "Uhm, sure." I smiled.

She gave me a quick hug, then returned herself in Ryan's arms, giving me a final wave. "Bye, Zoe! It was nice meeting you."

I smiled as Ashley and I walked off. "Wow, I never knew she was so nice," I said.

"Yeah," Ashley said, "maybe that's why Ryan's been a good guy."

Later that night, I cuddled up next to Ashley and quickly fell asleep.

Next thing I knew, I saw Angie and Emily fighting. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but Angie seemed so angry at Emily. Then Angie pulled out a pistol and shot Emily in the heart. Emily fell to the ground, blood slowly pouring out from her chest.

I looked at Angie in confusion. "Angie!"

She looked at me, moving her straight hair out of her face. She grinned at me, showing her perfect white teeth behind her red lips. She dropped the gun, then pulled a dagger from her pocket. She handed it to me and said, "Finish her off."

I bolted upright in bed, only to find Ashley still asleep and myself sweating. My heart was racing, and I asked myself, 'What the hell just happened?'

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