Chapter Six

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Jo was furious. He had just received a text message from Egypt's phone. A picture of her, brutally beaten, tied up, with a bullet through her skull. Along with the picture came two words; You're next.

So, the Nekhi nigga finally had heart. That was cute to know. But Jo was still livid. Not only had his only transporter been murdered, but clearly Nekhi was now able to get at him. If he was about to find Egypt, he was sure Nekhi would find him next. Jo wasn't scared but he was stressed. Because now he had to find someone he could trust to replace Egypt quick, and he also knew that he had to watch his back.

As soon as he and Kennedy touched back down and got home from Miami, Jo called up Fury. He instructed his boy to pull up. When Fury came over, he showed him the text message. Fury's eyes widened. "They killed her?" he asked in disbelief. Jo sighed and nodded. "Now, who the fuck I got to carry my weight back and forth from B-More?" Jo asked, angrily. He punched the wall frustrated.

"That means they'll soon be coming after us, Jo," Fury acknowledged. "I'm not worried about that. They can come. That doesn't scare me. I'm worrying about the fact that they just fucked up my cash flow. You know how important E's role was to our business," Jo fretted. "Have Kennedy do it," Fury suggested.

Jo threw Fury an icy glare. "Come again?" he asked. He knew this nigga wasn't really suggesting that Jo have his wife do a job like that. He would never put her life in jeopardy like that. Transporting was dangerous, all he wanted was for Kennedy to be safe in the house all day, every day. "I'm not making her do no shit like that. You're buggin' the fuck out," he snapped.

Fury shrugged. "Well, I was just saying. It could've just been a temporary thing. You know, until you find someone else to do it. I mean, because who else could you trust with something like that on such short notice?" Fury hypothesized. Jo couldn't even deny, Fury had a very valid point. But still, this was Kennedy. He didn't want to put his baby in harms way.
Jo stepped outside and walked to the chicken spot not too far from where he lived. He bumped into several people he knew on the way there. When he got there, he saw Nate, a nigga he'd grown up with from around the way. When Nate saw Jo, he waved him over. "Yo, Jo! You heard about Egypt? It's all over the news, yo!" he said, handing Jo a newspaper.

Jo scanned the article, reading over what was important and handed the newspaper back to Nate. "Yeah, I heard," Jo replied, playing it casual. "Niggas killed her and then burned the apartment down to cover it up and get rid of all the evidence," Nate kept going, as if Jo hadn't just read it. Jo said nothing, he just got on line to order his food.

"Who you think did it? I know you and Egypt was close," Nate said. Jo shrugged. "I don't know. Probably somebody who was after her baby father. You know he got beef with niggas all over," Jo fibbed. He wasn't dumb enough to let niggas know what he knew.

Nate considered it, nodding. "Word. That's fucked up though, man. I know her family going through it," he stated. Jo also nodded his head in agreement. "Word, no doubt. I'm sure they are. But I'ma holla at you, Nate. I'm off this," Jo said, as he grabbed his food and made for the door. He was relieved to be out of that chicken spot. Talking about Egypt made him feel weird and he wasn't interested in discussing her death with motherfuckers.
Jo pulled up into the gravel driveway, of the two story colonial styled home in front of him. He got out of his car and walked up to the driveway, using his spare key to open the door to the house.

He followed the sounds of SpongeBob SquarePants, playing on the television in the den. He peeked in on Massiah, who sat directly in front of the TV, in his ninja turtle pajamas. After a few seconds, Massiah felt Jo's presence and he turned to see who was standing in the doorway. Massiah smiled bright upon seeing Jo. "Daddy!" the six year old boy exclaimed with glee.

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