Chapter Eleven

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Quameek laid on Nyasia's living room couch, wide awake. He should've been asleep, but he just couldn't. Every time he tried to close his eyes, images of Egypt with that bullet through her forehead would creep into his mind. Quameek actually hadn't gotten any sleep since he killed the girl. Every day, she was on his mind. The guilt was eating him alive.

Deciding that he was a little hungry, Quameek pulled himself off of the couch and walked into the kitchen. Pulling the refrigerator door open, Meek took out some of the leftover meatloaf and mashed potatoes that Ny had made earlier that day. That girl really knew how to cook.

Fixing himself a plate and placing the food into the microwave, Quameek took a moment to reflect on his life. He didn't understand why he had gone through so much in his fifteen years. He should've been happy and enjoying his life. Not out here trying to survive. The dynamic of Quameek's life didn't even permit him to stay in school.

Eight hours a day at school meant eight hours a day away from making money. And right now, he needed money. So, Quameek had stopped attending school. And nobody seemed to even care.

Quameek had used to have dreams of becoming an architect. That boy knew how to draw. But now, Quameek knew that dreams weren't real. Not when his reality was always telling him something different. With no direction, no guidance, and nobody that seemed to care - Quameek let go of his dreams. And he decided that God had intended for him find a way to make it out on the street.

He had never wanted to become a stereotype, but right now it was seeming as though he had no other choice. It was either become a stereotype and live, or continue struggling and die. And Quameek knew that he was too young to die.
Quameek rode with YUS down to Harlem once, again. This time, everyone was in attendance. With him, Nekhi and Static riding together in O-Lok's truck; Sho, Bizz, and Fats rode with Rico in his truck.
They were on their way to one of Jo's trap houses to take out all of Jo's workers. Quameek was not at all looking forward to pulling a trigger, again. But if he backed out, he knew Nekhi wouldn't be very pleased with him. So, Meek put his feelings aside and prepared to do what he knew he had to.

They arrived to the trap house. It was on the top floor of some building on 146th and Amsterdam. The eight of them stood just outside the door, trying to decide how to do this. "Do we knock?" Fats asked. Nekhi analyzed the door. "Nah, fuck that. This door look mad weak. We kicking this shit in," Nekhi stated. So, that's exactly what they did.

YUS kicked down the door to Jo's trap house and they filed in, guns drawn, looking like they were members of the FBI swat team. But to their surprise, when they got in all of Jo's workers were dead already. Eleven niggas in there, shot the fuck up. Laid out wherever they had been sitting. Some laid out on the floor, some slumped over in their seats. Nekhi lowered his gun. "What the fuck?" he said out loud.

Quameek took in everything he saw, his heart pounding in his chest. Was seeing dead bodies going to be a regular thing now fucking with Khi and YUS? Quameek was no longer sure that he was cut out for this shit.

Nekhi and YUS stepped further into the trap house, analyzing everything closely. Quameek stood back, closer to the door. "Somebody check the back. Make sure nobody else is here," Nekhi ordered. Rico did the honors, his gun aimed, as he went to search the back of the abandoned apartment.

"Who the fuck did this shit?" Nekhi spoke out loud. "I guess YUS ain't the only people that Jo got beef with," Static speculated, after seeing that everyone laid out was definitely dead. Rico returned from the back. "Nobody here," he reported. "Aight. Let's break the fuck out before the cops come. Ain't no reason to be here now," O-Lok reckoned. They all agreed and split.
"I just want to know who the fuck beat us to that trap house," Nekhi was saying, back at O-Lok's crib. After coming back to the Bronx from Harlem, the rest of YUS went their separate ways. Nekhi and Quameek rolled with O-Lok to his house, though. They (Nekhi and O-Lok at least) wanted to get to the bottom of who could've gone to that trap house and killed Jo's workers.

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