Chapter Twenty Eight

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Nekhi jogged down the stairs of his mother's building, taking two steps at a time. He had just come from grabbing a few more of his belongings to take to Crystal's house. Just as he made it out of the building, his phone started ringing in his back pocket.

Pulling his phone out, he saw that it was a collect call. He knew it was his brother. Nekhi accepted the call. "Wassup, brody?" he said into his phone. "Wassup. What yoy doing?" Desmond asked. "Nothing, just getting a couple things from Mommy's house. On my way to my shawty's house," Khi answered.

"Who? Nyasia?" Des wanted to know. "Nah, this other joint from the South Bronx," Nekhi replied. "So, what's good with you and Nyasia? Ya'll not together no more?" his brother inquired. Nekhi sighed. He wasn't really trynna get into all that with his brother. The situation with Nyasia was still a touchy one.

"Nah, she left me. And it looks like she got herself a new man," Khi responded. "Well, you need to speak to her. Because that girl got a good head on her shoulders, bro. You need to hold on to that one. Don't lose her," Desmond said, hoping his brother was hearing him.

"Yeah. We'll just have to see about all that, big bro," he said. Desmond changed the subject. "Whats new in the streets?" he pryed. Nekhi unlocked his car door and hopped in. "O-Lok got locked up," he informed Desmond. "Word? What for?" Des wanted to know.

Nekhi took his time explaining the situation to Des as he drove. Desmond was saddened to hear about O-Lok's arrest. He already knew that the youngin' would not be coming out. That was all the more reason for him to preach to his brother. "No funny shit, Nekhi. You gotta stop playing and get out of the hood, while you still can. I get so tired of trying to tell you this," Desmond said.

Nekhi sighed, again. He was starting to think that maybe his brother was right. He had set out to kill this nigga Jo weeks ago, but it was proving to be causing him even more grief. Maybe I should just give up and leave the hood, Nekhi thought to himself. Then, he shook his head, quickly ridding himself of that thought. He had to do this. For Brooklyn and for Blaze.

"I hear you, Des. And I'm almost done. I'll be outta the Bronx in less than a month," he reassured his brother. Nyasia was moving to Pennsylvania, he decided that he would just go out there with her, after all. His new goal was to take Jo out before Ny and Wynter were supposed to leave.

After talking to Desmond for a little while longer, Nekhi made it to Crystal's house shortly after hanging up.

Crystal was in the kitchen, cooking up a little something something. And Nekhi couldn't have been more grateful, he was hungry. Normally, Nekhi never let bitches get it twisted. There was never really a reason for them to be cooking him meals. But over the past few weeks, he'd grown some feelings for Crystal. He still loved Nyasia to death and he still wanted to be with her.

But Khi knew that even if he did get back with Nyasia, he wouldn't be letting go of Crystal, either. Crystal was his bitch.

Nekhi snuck up behind Crystal's back and kissed her neck. "Wassup, boo?" he asked her, slapping her fat ass. Crystal giggled. "Nothing. You hungry, Daddy?" she asked Nekhi. He nodded. "Very. What you makin'?" he wanted to know. "Curry chicken and rice," she replied.

Nekhi smiled big, ready to eat. If it was one thing he loved; a bitch who could cook was it.
Nekhi sat in the courtroom, his heart beating fast. Today was the day that his bro would hear his sentencing. O-Lok sat there by himself, with no lawyer to defend him. He was going to have to speak for himself and Nekhi was hoping for a miracle.
Right before the judge could begin, Khi was surprised when he saw Nyasia's father walk through the doors. His heart leaped for joy. Randy to the fuckin' rescue! Nekhi watched as Randy sat next to O-Lok and whispered something into his ear. O-Lok nodded at whatever it was he had said. Nekhi wondered what had changed Randy's mind.

The judge asked Randy who he was. "I'm Randell Burroughs, Your Honor. I will be defending Mr. Raymond today," he stated. And the trial began.

The entire time Nekhi was sending silent prayers up to God. All he wanted was for his brother to be let off free. But apparently, God had other plans.

At the end of the trial, O-Lok's sentence made Nekhi's heart drop. The jury found him guilty and O-Lok was given life, with zero chances of probation. What the fuck? How did Randy lose this case?

Nekhi cried real tears. He hugged O-Lok tight, before O-Lok was recuffed and then taken away. "Get out, Khi. Leave it all alone now. It's over," O-Lok said to him, before being led away. They didn't even give O-Lok a chance to kiss and hug Tommoi, who was sitting up front, crying just as hard as Nekhi was.

Khi walked over to her and held her in his arms. Tommoi cried, hysterically. Nekhi just continued holding her, allowing her to get it all out. He knew exactly how Tommoi was feeling. Because each tear that dropped from her eyes into his chest, were tears that still yearned to fall from his own eyes. Damn, he thought. What now?

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