Chapter Thirty

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Jo was livid. He couldn't believe Kennedy! That bitch had actually grown balls and left him. She had robbed him and trashed his entire home. She had left her phone too, so he couldn't even contact her. "See, I told you to watch out for her," said his cousin, Anastasia. "That's what happens when you try to take a hoe out of the hood," she quipped.

Jo gritted his teeth. Not only had Kennedy played him, but she also had him looking stupid. Anastasia and Fury were all up in his business passing judgement. Putting in their two cents and opinions. When I find her I am going to fuck her up, Jo thought to himself.

But of course, he didn't let on to how furious he was feeling on the inside. Instead, he smiled at Fury and Anastasia. "She'll be back. We had a big fight and she didn't know how to handle it. She'll be back though," he told them, nonchalantly. But he was already thinking of ways to get her ass back and instantly, the perfect idea formed in his head.
"What do you mean she left you?" Shaniece asked. "She left me," Jo repeated. "She's gone. And she has been for days," he clarified. She shook her head. "No. I don't even believe that. Gone without a word?" she questioned. Jo nodded. "Gone without a word," he said.

Shaniece looked puzzled. "No, that doesn't sound right, Jo. Are you sure she really left? Maybe something happened to her," Shaniece suggested. She wasn't too crazy about Jo's wife, but she was human. And what Jo was telling her wasn't making any sense. For Kennedy to have just up and left without any warning at all? No. Something wasn't right. She wasn't a lawyer for nothing.

But Jo waved her off. His mind was already made up. Kennedy was on some foul shit. "What else could have happened, Shaniece?" he asked her. "Are you sure that she's alive? You said she left her phone. Contact her family or something," Shaniece replied. "Kennedy doesn't have family," he said simply.

Shaniece sucked her teeth. "Oh, now come on! That's just ridiculous! There has to be someone that you can call to inquire about her," she reasoned. Jo just looked at her. She didn't understand. "Well, there's not," he let her know. Shaniece threw her hands up in the air. "Well, then I don't know what to say. I just know you better hope that girl is okay. Because if not, shit is gonna be connected back to you and I don't know how many more times God is gonna let me save your ass in court," Shaniece snapped.

She then got up and walked over to wrap her hair. "I'm surprised you even care about her," Jo said, sarcastically. "I don't care about her. I care about you," she said back. After tying her scarf around her head, Shaniece made her way back to her bed.

Jo pulled off his shirt, exposing his bare chest and muscles. Then, he got started unbuckling his jeans. Shaniece looked at Jo, an eyebrow raised. "What are you doing?" she wanted to know. Jo grinned. "I'm spending the night," he told her. Shaniece's eyebrow went up a little higher. "Oh, really? Says who?" she queried.

"Me," Jo responded, after hopping in bed with her. Shaniece was watching him the entire time, skeptically. "Oh, please, Shaniece. If I wanted you, I could have you. I'm still a married man. It's not that kinda party," he told her. Then, he clapped his hands two times, automatically turning Shaniece's bedroom lights off.

Jo drifted off to sleep with a conceited smile etched upon his face, while Shaniece scowled at him in the dark.
The next morning, Jo woke up in Shaniece's bed to see that she was not there. He took his time getting up and out of bed, before heading into her personal bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

After doing so, Jo walked out of the bedroom and downstairs, headed towards the kitchen. He assumed that Shaniece was in there cooking breakfast. The closer he got to the kitchen, the louder the sounds of cartoons coming from the den across from the kitchen became.

Jo peeked his head in and smiled at his son, who was up bright and early to watch his Saturday morning cartoons. Jo made his way into the room and sat beside Massiah on the couch. "Goodmorning, Daddy," the little boy greeting without taking his eyes off the television. "Good morning little man. How you feeling?" Jo asked his son.

Massiah told his father that he was feeling good. "Where's your mother?" Jo then asked. "She went into the office today. She said you're watching me today," Siah informed his dad. Jo was immediately annoyed. Shaniece hadn't mentioned anything about having to go to the office that day.

He couldn't watch Massiah. It was Saturday and he had shit to do. Shaniece had been doing a lot of spiteful shit lately and Jo was going to have to have a talk with her about it. Frustrated, he rose up from the couch and headed back upstairs to retrieve his phone.

When he got his phone, he dialed Shaniece's cell. She didn't answer. He then called the number to the office. He wasn't playing. She needed to bring her ass home and now. Her assistant, Katya, answered. "Humble Journey Law Firm, how can I help you?" she greeted. "I need to speak to Shaniece," Jo said into the phone.

"I'm sorry sir, Miss Calhoun is in a meeting. Can I assist you in some other way?" Katya asked. Jo was even more annoyed, because he knew Katya and he knew she was trying to be funny. Katya had always wanted him, always throwing hints that she wanted to fuck him. But Jo didn't get down like that. One, he was picky as hell. And two, he wouldn't disrespect his baby's mother like that.

"Katya, stop fucking playing with me, yo. Put Shaniece on the phone," he growled into the receiver. He heard the assistant huff and then a few seconds later, Shaniece was on the line. "What is it, Jo?" she asked. "Why the fuck you leave Massiah here like that?" he answered her question with a question of his own. "What's the problem? You can't watch your son for a few hours while I get some over time in?" Shaniece said back.

"I got shit to do today!" Jo barked. "Oh please, Jo! Like what? Sell some drugs? Shoot at a couple niggas? I think that can wait, don't you?" she said, smartly. Jo's temple was throbbing. He really wanted to reach through the phone and slap fire out of Shaniece. He didn't understand why she was being such a bitch lately, that wasn't like her. She was supposed to be a lady like she usually was. All this beefing and petty shit was beginning to piss him off.

"Yo, what the fuck is good with you, B? You got a fucking issue? If you got one, then speak the fuck up. Because you been acting like a real asshole these past few weeks, son. And I ain't feeling it!" Jo let her know. "Whatever. I'm hanging up and do not call my job again," Shaniece snapped, avoiding his question. "Aight, fuck it then. I'm bringing Siah to your job. Like I said. I got shit to do today," he told Shaniece before banging it.

That bitch had a lot of nerve. Cooling himself down, Jo made his way back downstairs to Massiah. "Lil man. Get dressed. We going to Mommy's job," he said to his son.

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