Chapter Forty Two

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Jo awoke to the sound of Kennedy screaming in her sleep. He sat up at the same time that she did and he turned to face her. She was breathing hard, feeling herself all over, as if to make sure that she was really alive or something. She panted and Jo could see the beads of sweat visible on her forehead.

"You aight?" Jo asked her. Kennedy shook her head no. "Quameek is dead," she told Jo. Jo was surprised, he hadn't expected to hear her say that. "How you know? Someone called you?" Jo asked. Kennedy shook her head, again. "No. He just died... I felt it. I can still feel it," she replied.

There was an eerie silence and the hairs on Jo's arms stood on end. Kennedy was trippin'. Her brother couldn't have been dead. Jo was paying for the best team of doctors to provide Quameek with best care. He knew that he was responsible for Quameek's condition, but he also knew that with money anything was possible. Quameek would be out of his coma soon. He wasn't dead.

"Baby girl, I think you need to go back to sleep. Your brother is in good hands. Don't even worry," he told her. But Kennedy just looked at him. "You did this to him," she said, speaking quietly. "How am I still here with you?" she asked. But Jo didn't even respond. How could he?

Jo held the utmost respect for his wife, though. She must've really loved him. Because he knew that anyone else would have left him for harming their little brother. He didn't know how wrong he was though, about Kennedy loving him.
Jo felt like shit the next morning, as he listened to Kennedy's conversation over the phone with her brother's doctors. They had called her about twenty minutes ago and she had the phone on speaker, as she listened to them tell her that Quameek had indeed passed away the night before.

Jo was sure that Kennedy would start crying once she had been informed of this, but she did not. She just sat and professionally spoke with the doctors, setting up plans on how to have her brother taken care of.

Jo knew that he was gonna have to up a couple racks to bury Kennedy's brother, properly. He knew that it would be a very long time until he got back on her good side. But he was willing to do whatever it took to do so. After the phone call ended, Kennedy sat quietly in her seat at the kitchen island. She was deep in thought.

"You know I got all the funeral expenses, baby. You just tell me how you want it done and I got it," Jo offered. Kennedy looked at Jo, an expression of malice all across her face. "I do not need shit from you, Jo. I will put my brother to rest myself," she snapped at him. Then, Kennedy got up from her seat and walked out of the kitchen.

Jo watched after her, not knowing how to feel. A part of him felt bad for her, but a part of him also did not give a fuck. At the end of the day, Quameek had been getting down with YUS, anyway. And he had been let Kennedy know that he might've had to take Quameek out from before. She didn't seem to give a fuck then. So what the fuck was her problem now?

Jo pulled out his phone and let Fury know that he was on his way to come pick him up. They had to make a quick movement to Harlem. He didn't have time to put up with this drama with Kennedy. If she needed time to collect herself, that was fine with him. He had no problem giving her that. He was a business man with money to make, anyway. And nothing would ever come before his money.


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