Chapter Twenty Four

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Jo watched as Kennedy walked back into the house, from his place at the dining room table. She still was not talking to him and he still did not give a fuck. As long as she knew that he would no longer tolerate her being disrespectful to him.

Jo had been more than patient with Kennedy for the longest. Just quietly putting up with her smart ass mouth and being nice about it. Checking her about it time after time after time again. But the hand games? Jo didn't play that. He hadn't wanted to, but he had to let her know that the only man in that house was him and he was the one calling all shots. Not her.

Jo understood that she may have been a little hurt having to find out about Massiah the way that she had. But first things first, he had told her ass she didn't need to come to court that day. And Kennedy had had no business calling Shaniece. Like his grandmother had always used to say; a hard head made for a soft ass. He bet her ass had learned a real valuable lesson.

Kennedy was lucky. She was living good. She was well taken care of and she wasn't missing any meals. Jo felt like she was being ungrateful. Life could be real easy for her. She was the one who was making it hard for herself. Not him. All he knew was that he would no longer be disrespected. And if Kennedy wanted to go through the rest of her life not talking to him, that was perfectly okay with Jo.

His phone vibrated and he looked at his phone to see that Fury was calling. Right on time. Jo picked up. "Where you at?" he asked. "I'm right out front. Come out," Fury told him. Jo got up and made his way for the foor. He passed Kennedy in the foyer upon doing so. The black and blue bruise over her eye looked like it was getting worse. "Put some concealer over your eye," he said to her, before walking out the door.
Jo and Fury drove through the blocks of Uptown in the Bronx together. They were looking for Nekhi. Jo was tired of the back and forth shit, he was ready to finally take Nekhi out. He didn't even care about the rest of YUS. He just wanted Nekhi. He had let that nigga roam free for too long. Besides, once he deaded the head the body was sure to follow.

He instructed Fury to step on the engine and they drove through the blocks faster. Jo smiled to himself when he finally saw Nekhi heading out of his girls building with his baby in his arms. "Slow down," Jo said to Fury. Fury did as he was told. Jo lowered his window and aimed his pistol at Nekhi. "Chill," Fury said to him. Jo looked over at Fury, surprised. "Chill?" he repeated. "Yeah. Chill. He got his baby with him," Fury pointed out.

Jo gave his mans a quizzical look. "I don't give a fuck about his baby," he said, bluntly. "What if it were you and Massiah?" Fury hypothesized. Jo thought about it. He finally lowered his gun, putting it back into his waistband. "Aight. You got it. But next time, I'm killing that nigga," Jo made known.

Fury nodded. "No doubt," he said. He was all for bodying Nekhi. He didn't like the nigga anyway. But he was a decent dude and harming innocent little kids went against his morals. He had a heart and he also believed in karma. He pulled off of Nekhi's block. Fury looked over at Jo and gave a small chuckle. He had always known, but he had never realized just how heartless Jo really was.
Jo laid back in his bed, his mind racing with a million thoughts. So much was on his mental. His entire cash flow organization was completely ruined. All thanks to that nigga Nekhi. Jo no longer had a cover up business. No longer had someone to bring his work in and out of town. He was short several workers. And he didn't have a connect. Shit was fucked up!

Jo could've killed Fury for talking him out of getting at Nekhi earlier. He didn't give a fuck about that niggas baby. But then, Jo thought about Massiah. He knew that he indeed would have been heated if someone had got at him while his son had been there. Keeping his son away from danger was Jo's reason for existence.

Jo sucked his teeth. Man, fuck Nekhi, he thought. If he really gave a fuck about his daughter, he would have been moved have moved her somewhere safe. It was reasons such as these that Jo had moved Massiah and Shaniece to Queens. Jo knew that he was not the only nigga out here who thought as wrecklessly as he did. As much as he tried to be a good nigga, Jo just couldn't deny that at heart; he was cold-blooded. Killing was nothing to Josiah Graham.

He sat up and listened for the sound of the TV in the living room. He no longer heard it. Where was Kennedy? Jo knew she was doing something sneaky. She still hadn't been sleeping in the bed with him and Jo suspected that she was soon gonna try to leave him. She had another thing coming though, if that was what she thought.

Jo got out of the bed and walked toward the living room. He found Kennedy in there whispering on the phone. When she saw him approach, she quickly hung the phone up. "What the fuck are you doing?" he asked her. Kennedy didn't speak. This made Jo mad. He hated when she did that because he knew that she had heard him loud and fucking clear.

He walked further into the living room, approaching her closely. "I said, what the fuck are you doing?" he asked her, again. He had to admit, Kennedy had alot of balls and she stood her ground. He knew that she was afraid to get her ass whopped, but she was not afraid of him. And that pissed Jo off. He wanted Kennedy to fear him because he felt that that was the only way that she would behave.

"Nothing," Kennedy finally answered through gritted teeth. He didn't like how she spoke to him. Trying for her sake, to keep his composure, he spoke to her again. "Then, who were you just on the phone with?" he questioned. "None of your business," Kennedy spat.

That did it. Jo struck her across the face. She didn't even flinch. That angered him some more. Grabbing her by her hair, Jo flung Kennedy off of the couch and across the room. Then, he charged at her after, intending to fuck her up.

Kennedy dug her nails into his face, slapping him back several times, as he began to brutally punch her in hers. But Kennedy took it all. She kicked and punched and scratched Jo with all of her might. But she was no match for a man as big as he was.

Jo wanted to make her cry. But she just wouldn't. He kept stomping on her and kicking her in her stomach. After throwing her into the glass end table, and seeing that she still did not shed one tear, Jo gave up. Frustrated, he stared down on Kennedy, breathing hard.

She stared back up at him, too. Breathing just as hard. Bloody and bruised, but still no tears. It was like looking into a mirror, for Jo was not one to cry, either. Once his breathing returned to normal, he stopped and took a moment to realize what he had done.

He looked around his beautiful living room at the mess that they had created. Then, he turned back to his wife. His beautiful wife who he really did love so much. Jo reached out to her and it pained him to see her flinch and turn away from him.

"I'm sorry," he said to her. Then, he dropped to the floor and took Kennedy into his arms, hugging her tight. "I'm sorry, Kennedy. I love you so much. But you gotta stop disrespecting me," he told her, as he smoothed out her long hair that he loved.

But Kennedy didn't say anything back. She just laid there in Jo's arms, in a complete daze. Asking herself over and over what the fuck had she gotten herself into.

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