Chapter Seventeen

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Dead bodies, dead bodies and more dead bodies. It seemed that this was all he was seeing being around Nekhi. And he knew that he would never be able to get used to it. Quameek was strongly reconsidering ever getting down with YUS. He'd never known just how deep into the streets these niggas were!

Quameek sighed and rode up the elevator back to Nyasia's house. He had just came from the chinese store and he was ready to eat his food and evaluate his fucked up situation. Meek was surprised when he got in and saw Nekhi in the living room, with a hysterically crying Tommoi. Nekhi seemed to be telling Ny about a situation that had occured a little earlier. Oh God! Quameek thought. What is it now? Was there no such thing as peace around here?

"... so now I'm about to head up to the precinct to see wassup," Nekhi was saying. Everyone turned to look at Quameek when he walked into the room. "Is everything alright?" Meek asked, eyeing Tommoi. Tommoi shook her head. "No! Everything is not alright," she made known. Nekhi sighed and turned to Quameek. "Yo, Meek. Let me holla at you for a minute," he addressed him.

Setting his food on the table and bracing himself for the worst, Quameek followed Khi out the apartment. "Wassup?" he asked when they were outside. "O-Lok got knocked," Nekhi informed the fifteen year old. Meek's eyes widened. "For what?!" he exclaimed. "Some bullshit man," Nekhi put forth.

He went on to divulge into a story about a shootout he and O-Lok had partaken in a while back. "So, what we gonna do?" Quameek asked, scared to hear Nekhi's answer. Murders and police? Quameek definitely wanted out now. He wasn't built for any of this shit. Nekhi studied Quameek. "You scared, my nigga?" he asked. Meek gulped. "Who? Me? Nah. Never," he said.

Khi studied Meek for a little bit longer. "Aight, you better not be. I can't have no pussies on my team," Nekhi replied. He then held his hand out for some dap. Quameek dapped him. "I'm off this, my nigga. I need to go see wassup with my bro. I'll hit you up later," Nekhi spoke to Meek and then he took off.

Quameek watched after Nekhi, shaking his head. He was seriously getting tired of this shit. From day one, it had been back to back drama and Quameek felt like he was going crazy. He couldn't keep up with it all. He knew he had to find a way out. Before Nekhi realized how he was really feeling.
Quameek watched Nyasia as she bustled around the house, getting ready to go out. He knew that she rarely went out, so watching her panic and act frantic over how she looked was amusing to him. "Mommy, where's my diamond studs?" Nyasia called to her mother from the bathroom.

"What diamond studs?" Yvonne called back to her daughter. "The ones I let you hold when you went to Vegas!" Nyasia described. "What you talking about? Those is my studs!" Yvonne stated. Quameek laughed to himself. Nyasia's moms was ghetto as hell.

When Nyasia was halfway done getting ready, she walked into the living room and struck a pose for Quameek. "How do I look?" she asked him with a laugh. Meek looked at Nyasia in awe. She looked amazing in an all back, curve hugging jumpsuit and a pair of nude heels. Ny's hair was slicked back with some gel and pulled back into a neat bun. She had on some makeup and some expensive looking costume jewelry. Quameek felt his dick hardening through his jeans. Nyasia looked great.

"You look real good. Where you going?" he asked. Nyasia rolled her eyes at him. "Why? So, you can go run and tell your best friend Nekhi?" she asked, sarcastically. "Aww, cmon. I was only playing before. I ain't gonna say nothing to Khi. If you going on a date with that dude tonight, that's your business," Quameek said.

And he was serious. Quameek didn't really care too much if Nyasia was dating someone else. That had nothing to do with him. Who was he to be going back and reporting anything to Khi? That wasn't his place. Besides, Nyasia and Nekhi weren't even together anymore. That also didn't bother Quameek. It made him feel less guilty when he beat his dick at night to the thought of having sex with Ny.

"Then, yeah," Nyasia admitted. "I am going out on a date with Isaiah tonight," she finally told Quameek. "You must really like him then. Because you showing out tonight," Meek commented. Nyasia waved him off. "Oh, please. We're going to this real fancy restaurant downtown in Manhattan. I gotta look nice," she said.

Quameek raised an eyebrow. "Sheesh. Well then, he must really like you too," he spectated. Nyasia shrugged. "Maybe. Who knows?" she said back. "So, you don't like him like that?" Quameek asked, slightly hopeful. In his young mind, he only wished that he could have a chance with Nyasia. The less men in her life, the better those chances were.

Nyasia shrugged again. "I don't know. We're still getting to know each other. Too soon to speak," she told him, keeping it simple. Then, she turned and walked out of the living room, to finish getting ready. Quameek watched her behind as she switched away.

Pretty soon, Nyasia was ready to go. She kissed her baby and said goodbye to her mother and Quameek. Meek wondered if Nyasia was gonna fuck Isaiah that night. If so, that nigga was lucky as shit. Quameek sighed and prepared for another long night, jerking off to Nyasia's name.
Quameek was on his way to Nekhi's trap house on 222nd and Paulding, for a meeting that he had called. Quameek wasn't looking forward to going, but he knew he had to.

As he made his way there, Meek noticed a car following him. Quameek sped up his pace a little faster. The car sped up, too. Oh shit, Quameek thought to himself. He took off running and the car drove after him, right in sync. To Quameek's great horror, the window rolled down and out came the barrel of a shot gun. Just like the one from the movie "Boyz n Da Hood".

Before the shooter could shoot, Quameek's instincts told him to get down. He instantly dropped, just as the shooter let out a quick round of bullets. Because they were in broad daylight and there were people around, the driver had to keep driving. The car sped down the block and was gone in a matter of seconds.

A bystander ran over to Quameek, helping him onto his feet. "Are you alright?" the man asked. Trembling, Quameek nodded, still visibly shaken. "Do you have any idea who that might have been?" the man wanted to know. Quameek shook his head, no. "Well, stay right here. I'm calling the police. I don't-" Quameek didn't stay around to hear what else the man had to say. He took off running at top speed to Nekhi's trap house.
Meek burst into the trap out of breath, nearly scaring YUS half to death. "What the fuck, man?! You almost made me put a hole in yo' ass!" Nekhi barked at Quameek. Shit, that wouldn't be a first, Meek thought.

Nekhi saw the disoriented look etched upon Quameek's face and he knew something was wrong. "What's up, my nigga? Why you trippin'?" he asked. "Somebody just shot at me!" Meek told Nekhi. "What? Who?" Khi pressed. Quameek shrugged. "I don't know! I guess it was Jo!" Meek assumed.

YUS was fuming now. They wanted to take action immediately and that was exactly what Quameek was afraid of. After what had just happened to him, the last thing he wanted to do was retreat to Harlem and go after Jo's psychotic ass! He took a seat still having to catch his breath.

Nekhi spoke to Quameek. "What you wanna do, Meek? It's your call," he said. Quameek looked confused. "What?" he asked. "It's your call! They shot at you. So, what you wanna do?" Nekhi asked a second time. Quameek nervously looked around at all the YUS members present. "I'm okay. There's no need to go after them," he answered. He knew he sounded lame.

All of YUS shook their heads. They clearly didn't agree. "You sure, my nigga? Nobody could ever shoot at me and get away with it," Showtime claimed. His cousin, Bizz, agreed with him. Nekhi stood studying Quameek the same way he had done the day before at Nyasia's house. Meek knew that Nekhi was having doubts about him. He couldn't blame him, though. He knew that he didn't belong in YUS. Kennedy had always told him that.

"Well, you can stay here. We're going to Harlem," Nekhi said, speaking for his crew. They all got up and followed Nekhi out. Once they were gone, Meek breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the wiser thing to do would have been going with them. Just so that they wouldn't have shit to say about him later.
But hell, Quameek was a fifteen year old boy and he was scared! He had just been shot at and he was thankful to be alive. All he wanted to do was stay where he knew it would be safe.

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