Chapter Thirty Six

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Jo sat in his crib, smoking an L with Fury. The two of them were celebrating the fact that they had finally got that little nigga Quameek. It was no longer even about the boys affiliation with YUS. It was the fact that his dumb ass sister had crossed the line and this was Jo's way of getting back at her. Kennedy was slime and Jo still had it out for her ass, too.

Fury was laughing as he toked from the blunt, the events from earlier replaying in his head. "That little nigga dropped immediately," he said, howling with hysterics. Jo shook his head. That nigga Fury was stupid.

Jo sat back and thought about his relationship with Kennedy, as the effects of the weed began to kick in. First of all, Jo didn't even smoke very often, but this shit with Kennedy had him stressing. Jo really did love Kennedy. It was weird. He still loved her.

And he thought she loved him, too. But how could she just up and leave him like that? He knew he had fucked up. With the not telling her about Massiah and the putting his hands on her. But none of it had come from a bad place. Jo really felt like his son was none of Kennedy's business. It's not like she had to take care of Siah. It's not like he was living with them. So, what reason did she really have to know for?

And as far as him hitting her, he had planned to stop doing that. Jo wasn't the type of nigga that wanted his girl to be unhappy and miserable with him. He was very good for spoiling his lady love and doing everything in his power to keep her happy. But he was also a very prideful Leo, who seeked power and control at the same time. He had a long history of anger issues and the moment he felt disrespected in the slightest; all hell always broke loose.

Jo sighed. He knew he had a problem with his anger. He had hit Shaniece before, too. She had mouthed off to him real bad before, calling him all types of pussies and bitch assed niggas. He had slapped the shit out of her, leaving the entire side of her face swollen and bruised. He knew he was out of line and he needed to work on that. But shit. Jo felt like if Kennedy loved him, she would stay and work through it with him. After all, they were married. And for better or for worse had been part of their vows. Gotta take the bad with the good.

What Jo didn't seem to understand though, was that Kennedy was a warrior. A true Scorpio. And she would rather fall at her own demise on her own account, than to fall at the hands of another.

Jo thought about what he would do when he finally saw Kennedy again. He knew what he wanted to do, what his ego was telling him to do. But realistically, he knew what he most likely would do. He loved that girl. And he was going to make her come back home to him. No matter what it took.
Jo stirred in his sleep and was awakened by his phone ringing off the hook. Looking at the clock, he saw that is was 3:39 in the morning. Who the fuck would be calling him this late? Aggravated, Jo answered his phone with malice in his tone. All of that hostility quickly ceased though, when he heard Kennedy's voice on the other end of the line. She sounded terrified and she was whispering, so he knew something was seriously wrong.

"Jo, please come and pick me up," she whispered, frantically. "Kennedy, is that you? Where the fuck you been?" he asked her. "Jo, I've been kidnapped. You've gotta come and get me. I'm scared. Please. Before they come and find me," Kennedy said. He could hear her heart beating through her voice.

Jo jumped up, immediately riled. "Before who comes and find you, baby? Talk to me. Who the fuck I gotta get at? Is it Nekhi and them?" Jo asked. He wasn't even thinking about how much time he was wasting. "No! Jo, please just come now. I gotta get outta here," Kennedy begged him. Jo had never heard Kennedy sound that desperate in all the time that they had been together. So, he knew this was no joke.

"Aight. Where you at, baby?" he asked her. Kennedy let him know that she was in a location by Hunts Point and she would meet him by the two train on Simpson. "I'm on my way right now," Jo told her. Then, he hung up and immediately threw on some clothes.

Who the fuck had taken Kennedy? And more importantly, why? Before YUS, Jo hadn't beefed with anyone in a while. Why would someone be after him or his girl? Jo made a mental note to himself that he needed to holla at Fury first thing in the morning. This just didn't make no sense. He grabbed his car keys and booked it out of the door.
When Jo pulled up to the Simpson street train station, his heart broke upon seeing Kennedy. His girl looked terrible. He hopped out of the car and pulled her into his chest hugging her tight. He hated himself for thinking that she had left him. He had spent all this time mentally bashing her, when the entire time she had needed him. Jo was ashamed.

He pulled Kennedy's face up to look at his. Both of her eyes were swollen shut, and she had a speedknot the size of a tennis ball on her forehead. "Are you okay, baby?" he asked, his soul aching. Kennedy shook her head no. "I think I need to go to a hospital," she told him.

Jo looked her up and down. Her shirt was tattered and he noticed a big stain of what looked like dried, caked blood on her side, through a hole in her shirt. He gently lifted up her shirt, to check out what he realized was a stab wound. Tears welled in his eyes. But he didn't cry. "Niggas stabbed you, baby?" he asked, as he rubbed her face with his thumb.

She nodded. "And they raped me," she told him. It was like someone had stabbed him in his lungs. "They raped you?" he asked, breathlessly. Kennedy nodded her head again, and Jo was amazed that she still was not crying. This girl had been through just about everything imaginable, but still hadn't let one tear drop. This girl is too strong, Jo thought to himself.

He gently lifted her up into his strong arms and placed her into the car. Jo drove off into the night, with a new mission forming together in his head. Nekhi and YUS was a completely aborted mission. He had to figure out who these niggas were that had done this to Kennedy and he had to find them fast.

He looked over at his wife, who was staring out of the passengers seat window. She looked dazed and he was sure that she was. No doubt traumatized and he understood why. Nonetheless, Jo was happy and grateful that Kennedy had come out of this whole thing alive. Because it was clear that whoever had done this, had planned to kill her.
Jo stood over Kennedy watching her as she slept, peacefully. He wondered if this was her first time sleeping since she had gotten kidnapped. Whatever the case, Jo would be watching her like a hawk from now on. He would be damned if something else happened to her.

Jo had hired a personal doctor to check on Kennedy. Her stab wound had gotten infected after going untreated for so long, so he'd prescribed Kenny some medicines to treat it. She was good to go as far as everything else went and now all she needed was some rest and time to heal.

Jo was determined to make sure that she got just that. He and Fury were on their jobs trying to figure out who the fuck their new enemies were. They had pressed mad crews from around the way that they knew of, but nobody had beef. Jo was utterly puzzled.

He waited for Kennedy to wake up, before be started drilling her with a million questions. "You sure it wasn't those YUS niggas, baby? You didn't see nobody's face? Not one person?" he asked. Kennedy shook her head. "No. It wasn't Nekhi or anyone else from YUS. And yeah, I saw faces," she said back. Jo's ears perked up. "How they look?" he wanted to know. "I don't remember, Jo," Kennedy said back, sounding exhausted.

Disappointed, Jo dropped the subject. He felt like Kennedy was holding out on some information, but he decided to leave her alone about the topic. She needed her rest and he was sure that she by no means wanted to relive the horror she'd been going through these past few weeks. He and Fury were on their own in finding out who these niggas were.

Besides, he had already got at her brother and Jo knew that when Kennedy was better and well, he was going to have a lot of explaining to do.

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