Chapter 1

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Ava peered over her balcony staring off into New York's Central Park as the sun rose. She was deep in her own thoughts when she felt his muscular arms wrap around her waist. "What you doing out here, baby? Come back to bed," Charles insisted. "I'm thinking," she told him. Charles knew what that meant. He sighed and walked away to sit at the height patio table that was placed off to the side on her oversized balcony. Charles knew whenever she was "thinking" that meant shit was about to hit the fan.

For the past 2 years, Ava and Charles had been sleeping together. No, not just sleeping together, they've been having an affair and it all began when Ava caught her boyfriend of 7 years fucking her roommate and supposedly, friend in their house while she was working late.

Ava attended UCLA during her undergraduate years. She was majoring in criminal justice and met Mike Livingston on the first day of classes. He too was a criminal justice major and he also played basketball. Ava was always attracted to basketball players because her father played for the Golden State Warriors before he became ill and died of lung cancer. Not only was Mike the perfect basketball player, to Ava he was the best looking guy on UCLA's campus. His dark skin that contrasted with his light brown eyes drove her crazy. And as if that wasn't enough, his smile was one to die for. It literally made Ava melt. It seemed as though they had all the same classes and most of the same interests. They started off as friends, working together for class projects, studying together, and playing basketball at the rec with one another.

One night, the night prior to the anniversary of her father's death, Ava wanted to be alone but Mike wouldn't take no for an answer. He could tell something was wrong the entire day and he wanted her to open up to him. Ava insisted that he go back to his dorm room but Mike just wouldn't. He probed and prodded until finally Ava broke down spilling all about her father's death 2 years prior and the impact it has had on her family ever since. Ava was vulnerable. Mike was there to comfort her. She lost her virginity that night, willingly and in hopes that she could associate something beautiful with this date other than her father's death.

For the next 4 years, she did just that. She and Mike both graduated with honors and had plans of getting married after she finished law school. Mike was drafted to the Toronto Raptors after college and things began to change. Ava moved to New York to attend Columbia University Law School and to be closer to her family. Her mother, Cynthia moved her younger siblings, Miguel and Steffanie to New York a year after their father passed. Cynthia had stated over the course of that dreadful year that she could not stay in California any longer. There were too many hurtful memories.

Ava's brother, Miguel was attending Syracuse University and becoming the best basketball player in his school's division. Steffanie, her younger sister, was in high school being the problem child. They each handled the death of their father differently. Ava consumed herself in her academics, Miguel wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, and Steffanie, so used to being the baby and getting her way, she acted out and gave their mother hell. Cynthia allowed Steffanie to mourn in her own way but eventually she became tired of her bullshit. She was hot in the ass, staying out late, coming home drunk, and only God knows what else. Cynthia was a strong black woman with a feisty Latino attitude that she picked up from her late husband's side of the family. She went Puerto Rican on you real quick and Ava could tell she was going to go there with Steffanie soon. That was another reason Ava decided to move to New York. Her mother needed help guiding Steffanie and getting her on the right path. Ava and Steffanie were always close growing up and they knew if anybody could get Steffanie together, it would be Ava. Besides her unsuccessful attempt to become a "biracial model" before attending college, Ava's presence definitely whipped Steffanie into shape.

Throughout Ava's first year of law school, she became close with a fellow classmate named Janet Smith. After 2 years of law school, Janet and Ava decided to get an apartment together. Janet had just broken up with her long time boyfriend and Ava felt that her family was in a place where they would be okay without her constant presence. Miguel was being drafted to the Philadelphia 76ers, Steffanie finally decided to attend Parsons, The New School For Design, and Cynthia was running her own community outreach center, Luiz M. Santiago, to keep her husband's legacy alive. Everyone was doing just fine.

Ava had began doing an internship at Morrison & Co. Law Firm in her last year of Law School. It was the perfect job because her heart belonged to sports although she wasn't athletic enough to play any. Morrison & Co. specializes in athletic affairs. Most, if not all of their clientele consists of male athletes who either have baby mama drama, trying to get their whole entire salary in child support, or they have a side chick just ready to ruin their marriage, hollering rape or something of the sort. Basically, all of their cases included an athlete and the bullshit that comes with being in the spotlight.

One night, Ava was supposed to be meeting Mike at her house for dinner. He had a free weekend and wanted to spend some quality time with her. She was actually excited about their date because they weren't seeing much of each other lately. His basketball schedule was hectic and she had been working over time to prove to Charles, the owner of Morrison & Co. that she was the perfect candidate for an attorney position opening up at the end of the quarter. She would be graduating soon and she needed a job and this would be the perfect place.

Charles had so many cases and files for her to look over this night, she knew it would be no way that she would make it home in enough time to have dinner with Mike. She excused herself and stepped out of Charles' office to call him.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Mike excitedly answered the phone.

She paused, "Baby.."

He interrupted, "let me guess, you're working late again?" Ava could feel the heat of his anger through the phone.

"Yes, and I'm sorry but don't leave! Stay at my house. I promise we can do breakfast in the morning. Plus, I wanna lay with you tonight." There was silence on the other end of the phone. She added, "and some other things, of course."

Mike let out a long sigh, "When will you be home A?"

"I'm not sure, I have so many cases to review with Char..Mr. Morrison. We'll probably be here for 2 to 3 more hours. I'm so sorry, Mike."

Ava was deeply sorry, but what else was she supposed to do. Not do her job because her boyfriend wanted to have dinner? Yea, right. He should understand. She never made him choose between her and his career.

"Aight," was all he said and ended the call.

Ava let out a frustrated sigh and went back into Charles' office. She watched him while he was on the phone which appeared to be a heated conversation with his wife. Charles was probably in his mid to late 40s and looked damn good for it too. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He always kept a low cut with a few gray hairs in the front that trailed down onto his neatly shaved goatee. Ava tried not to stare too long as she giggled while noticing his nostrils flaring due to frustration. He did that a lot.

As he ended his call, Ava went back to working. It was quiet for a minute until Charles called out to her, "Ava, what do you say we finish up these files early tomorrow morning? I'm thinking 6am."

Ava's face lit up and she tried not to sound too excited. "That's fine with me!"

He narrowed his dark brown eyes at her. "Okay, good. Let's straighten up and I'll see you back here at 6, sharp. I have some things to handle at home."

Ava excitedly cleaned up the files scattered throughout the table and headed out to surprise Mike. She decided not to call, she would just show up at the house with his favorite meal from the Italian restaurant down the street from her apartment.

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