Chapter 26

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"Why are you just now telling me this, Ava? What happened to telling the good, the bad, and the ugly?" Josiah yelled. "And I suspected this shit. I swear I did! All those late night calls and texts, talking about it's work! That's some bullshit!" He snapped.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Josiah! I am but I never lied." Ava cried. "Things were broken off with him before I even met you," she tried to explain.

"You still fucking lied! You told me it was work related. You said you've never been in a relationship besides with your ex." He reminded her.

"And I haven't! But I did tell you I was dating." She said.

"Dating? You were dating the same person for 2 fucking years? And you damn sure didn't tell me you were dating your MARRIED boss!" He yelled.

"I didn't want you to judge me! I got where I am because of my hard work and dedication. Not because of who I was fucking!"

"You sure?" He sneered.

Ava was hurt. This is exactly why she didn't want to tell him. She grabbed her purse and looked at him sadly before walking toward the door. "I'm gonna go," she said softly.

While waiting for the elevator, Ava hoped Josiah would come for her and ask her back inside, but he didn't.

Driving without a destination, Ava thought about how in less than 24 hours, she'd lost most of what mattered to her. Her job and her boyfriend. Thank God for her friends and family because without them, she'd really be a lost soul.

Ava found herself sitting in the driveway at her mother's house, lost in her thoughts that were interrupted by a slight tapping on her passenger side window.

Ava lifted her head off her steering wheel to see her mom waiting outside of her car. Ava unlocked the door, unsure of how long she'd been sitting there.

"Nice little BMW you got here. You needed a new car?" Cynthia asked.

Ava sighed. "Yes. It's a long story." She told her mother.

"Well, I have nothing but time.......but that's only IF you want to talk." Cynthia said.

Ava stared at her mother, contemplating whether or not she wanted to recall the shameful events that occurred over the past 24 hours. Actually, what had been going on for the past 2 years. She needed some advice. She needed to hear kind words but she didn't want her mother to be disappointed in her decisions.

When she was a young girl, she would talk to her father about anything. Her mother envied their relationship and she always desired to be as close to Ava as Ava was to Luiz.

After her father died, Ava became even more withdrawn and drifted further away from her mother.

Although, she yearned to have a better relationship with her mother, Ava was too damaged to open up and allow Cynthia to get close.

Ava's silence was cue for Cynthia to begin, "You know, when I first found out I was pregnant with you at the age of 16, I thought my life was over. Your father was so happy and I resented him for it. Of course he was happy, I thought. He wasn't going to get fat. He wasn't going to have to drop out of school. He was still going to follow his dreams. Still go off to college and live his life and I thought I would be stuck in the slums where he found me. Only this time, struggling with another mouth to feed. But you know what? He didn't do that. He did the exact opposite. He was willing to miss out on college to spend every moment with you and I, even before I gave birth to you. But as scared as I was, I didn't let him do it. Even though he said he wouldn't, I knew he would resent me for it and I couldn't live with that. That summer he went off to college and swore he would come back for me. I didn't believe him and I prepared to raise you alone. 6 months into my pregnancy, I learned that your father was a man of his word. And he proved that for the rest of his time here on this earth. He came back for me and in those 6 months he was busting his ass, studying, playing ball, and working to save for our first apartment. Your father was such a hard worker, baby. And when you got here, he was such a proud father. You two were attached at the hip. You were his greatest accomplishment. You were his inspiration and hope to leave our pitiful lives behind and to build a beautiful, worthy life for our family. You were his dream." Tears fell from Cynthia's eyes. "His children were his greatest accomplishments. And I know I can never be what he was to you, you're first love but I swear I love you just as much and I am here for you and I can be whatever it is you need me to be because that is my job as your mother."

Ava pulled her mother in for a warm hug. She never meant to make her mother feel incapable, she just really missed her father.

She released her mother and begin to share the disappointing details of her past up until today, including her affair with Charles and even finding Mike cheating.

Cynthia attentively listened to her daughter without passing judgement.

"Baby, we all live and learn. You learned a valuable lesson in all this and you put on your big girl panties and did what you had to do. Josiah is upset now, but give him some time and I promise if it's meant to be, it will be, " Cynthia told her daughter.

"I understand but I just feel so bad, ma. I never meant to hurt him. I wanted to be honest but I was scared. I was ashamed. I didn't want him to judge me," Ava cried.

"I understand, baby. Lord knows, I do. But give him some time."

"Okay," Ava sighed.

"Good. Now come in this house and get some food. You've been out here sulking long enough," Cynthia demanded as she exited Ava's car.

Ava sadly chuckled and gathered her belongings and followed her mother into the house. She was thankful for her mother's support and would definitely take her advice.

Ava handed the valet attendant her car keys and entered her building, mentally and physically exhausted from the day's events.

Looking down at her phone, checking for the 100th time to see if Josiah attempted to reach her, Ava didn't realize he was standing in the lobby staring at her.

"That's your new car?" He asked, startling her as he stood against the wall near the elevator. 

Ava clutched her chest and gasped, "Josiah! You scared the shit out of me!"

"That beemer yours or his?" Josiah repeated without changing the blunt look on his face.

"Look, if you came here to chastise me, I don't want to hear it. I apologized for not being completely honest. I don't know what more you want from me." She told him.

Josiah stared at Ava with mixed emotions. Part of him was genuinely sad, but he also felt disgust and disappointment. He trusted Ava. More than he'd ever trust any woman, other than Abuela.

"You're right. I don't know why I'm here." He said lowering his head into his hand.

Ava reached for his hand, "Baby, I know you're upset. I know I could've done things differently and I'm sorry for that. I want you to forgive me and I want us to be able to move on from this. And if you need time, I'm willing to give you however much you need."

Josiah paused for a moment, engulfed in his thoughts. He was overwhelmed by the foreign feelings he was experiencing. He couldn't sort through his thoughts, all he wanted to do was slow his mind down.

He snatched his hand away and turned around to leave. With his back turned toward Ava, he whispered, "I love you" and walked out of the building.

Without hearing what he said, Ava stood in shock watching him walk away. She shook her head sadly and took the elevator to her apartment. She needed a glass of wine...or two...hell, more like six! She was going to drink herself to sleep.

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