Chapter 19

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"Nah! That's not what we agreed on! Tell coach to talk to his man 'cuz I'm not going to training camp until they sort this out, Jason!" Josiah barked into the phone at his agent, waking Ava out of her sleep.

He heard her shifting in the bed and turned towards her, offering her an apologetic look.

It's okay. She mouthed.

Ava gathered from Josiah's conversation that the Giant's GM was playing games with giving him the money owed to him from his contract. Ava seen this happen all the time in her line of work. She hated that it had to be Josiah going through it too.

He kissed her lips and took his phone call into the living room. Ava grabbed her phone and finally chimed into the conversation with Chanel and Steffanie.

Ava: Y'all talk too damn much!

Minutes later....

Steffanie: Oh, look who decided to FINALLY join the conversation! Smh

Chanel: Lol! Where you been Ava?

Ava: I've been sleep if you must know!

Chanel: I'm guessing you and Josiah had fun last night since you've been sleep all day.

Steffanie: Right. It's damn near 5 o'clock. We were supposed to go shopping!

Ava: Lol we've been having "fun" all day. ;)
We can go shopping tomorrow, Steff. I promise.

Chanel: YOU'RE STILL THERE? You finally spent the night!!!! I need details!!

Steffanie: Too late. While you were being fast, Chanel and I were shopping. Now spill it. Is he as good in bed as he is on the field??

Ava: I can't believe you heffas went shopping without me! I'm not spilling nothing!

Steffanie: Smh see how you do! Meet us for dinner and drinks tonight. We were gonna do that without you too but since you've awaken from your dick coma, you should join us! Lol

Chanel: Hahahaha

Ava: You're sick, little girl. And stop making plans without me.

Steffanie: Yea, yea. Meet us at SpyGlass at 10. Then we're going out afterwards.

Chanel: And you're coming before you even start..

Ava: No, I'm not. The last time I went out with y'all I almost had to kill somebody.

Steffanie: Get over it. That nigga is gone now.

Chanel: Right!

Ava: Bye!

Chanel: See you later!!

Steffanie: Can't wait to see your fine ass. You owe me a dance for standing me up.

Ava: Smh. 

Ava climbed out of bed and dressed herself in the jeans and t-shirt she wore the day before. She pulled her traveling kit from her purse and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face, and putting her hair in a messy bun, Ava found Josiah on his balcony ending his phone call.

"Aight, Jason. I'm not dealing with this shit no more. They can trade me early. I'm a free agent after this season and it ain't hard to tell that I'm contemplating leaving their ass!"

Ava's heart sank at the thought of Josiah leaving New York. As if she didn't fear relationships as it is, a long distance one was unbearable.

She cleared her throat to make her presence known. Josiah focused his attention on her and gave her a disappointed look that she was fully clothed.

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