Chapter 25

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Ava tossed and turned all night. By the time the sun was rising, she'd already been up for 3 hours and sent Josiah 3 texts.

No response.

She was beginning to worry. During one of their sleepless nights, Josiah told Ava that he and Alaina weren't as close as they used to be because of a situation with her husband. He wasn't specific but now she could only imagine how upset he was that this was not only occurring again, but that Alaina was now in the hospital.

Ava prayed that everything was okay.

If she stayed in the house any longer waiting on Josiah's call, she would go crazy so she decided to call her sister.

Ava retold Steffanie the horrid events that took place last night, not forgetting to leave out the fact that Jade was there to witness everything. Ava could feel Steffanie's fuming through the phone. She was heated. By the end of the conversation, Steffanie agreed to go car shopping with Ava instead of killing Jade.

Josiah sat quietly next to Alaina's bed, holding her hand as the room filled with beeping noises coming from all of the machines hooked up to her.

His eyes were bloodshot red. He didn't sleep on the plane ride home because he was too worried about what he would walk into once he arrived.

He was proud of Amaira for being such a big girl, calling 911 for help but he hated that twins had to witness their mother being beaten so badly.

When he arrived at the hospital, The twins were sleep in Abuela's lap. He didn't want to disturb them too much, so he sent them to a nearby hotel to rest for the night.

The doctors said that outside of some bruising, Alaina would be fine but they wanted to keep her overnight for observation. Josiah didn't know what to say to her but it didn't matter because she had been sleep the entire time. The doctor said it was normal. Her body was exhausted from the trauma it had experienced.

He had told her time after time to leave that nigga and that he was no longer fighting her battles but he would've never thought the son of a bitch would put his sister in the hospital.

He was going to kill Joe Greene.

A couple of hours later, Alaina was up and the doctors had cleared her to go home.

"I'm glad you're alive," he said to Alaina emotionless, helping her put on the clothes Abuela had bought for her this morning.

"It's not what you think, Josiah," Alaina said in a raspy voice.

"For real? Because I think he beat your ass so bad in front of your fucking kids, that this time your 4 year old daughter had to call 911 to take you to the hospital. That's what I think!" He spat.

His words cut Alaina deep. He could see the tears forming in her eyes. He knew he was wrong but he was pissed off that even after Joe put her in the hospital, she was still defending him.

Josiah hugged his sister and kissed her on the forehead. "Let's just go."

He pushed Alaina's wheelchair to the hospital's exit where his driver waited for them.

After he entered the car, he instructed the driver to take them to Abuela's house.

"I don't want to go over there. I want to go home," Alaina said.

Josiah looked at her in disgust. He bit his lip to refrain from saying anything else hurtful.

He looked away from her and out the window.

"Josiah, I know you hear me talking to you!" She snapped. "Take me to my own damn house. I'm tired. I want to get in my bed!"

He continued to ignore her. Alaina knew it was useless to continue to waste her breath. He was going to take her to Abuela's whether she liked it or not.

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