Chapter Four - Lies

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Sasuke woke up in a white bright room. He turned to the side and saw Mikoto.

"Sasuke.. How are you?" She asked. Sasuke sighed.

"I'm fine." He answered. Sasuke's phone went off. It was Naruto. He picked it up.

"Hello?" He answered. Naruto heaved a loud sigh.

"Your okay... Thank god I thought you died or ended up in the hospital," Naruto said relief in his voice. There was a few seconds of silence.

"I am at the hospital, relative broke their leg," Sasuke said shifting on the bed. Naruto sighed.

"Tell them to get better from me," Naruto said softly.

"I will.." Sasuke answered.

"When you have time can we meet up? I need to tell you something." Naruto asked. There was silence.

"I can't today, sorry." Sasuke said softly hair falling over his eyes.

"Oh. Its okay sorry for bothering you," Naruto said softly.

"No your werent a bother," Sasuke said softly.

"Then... How about tomorrow?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah I can tomorrow," Sasuke said. Naruto made a happy sound. Sasuke was a little surprised.

"Okay then how about tomorrow at 2 pm at the park?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked at the covers.

"Sure, tomorrow," Sasuke agreed.

"Okay, cya and you dont sound healthy get better by tomorrow!" Naruto said and hung up. Mikoto looked at him as Sasuke set his phone on the table. The door opened revealing a man in a white jacket.

"Sasuke Uchiha is it? Are you ready?" The doctor asked. Mikoto and Sasuke looked at him. Sasuke nodded.

"Whenever your ready," he said softly. The doctor nodded and walked off bringing in a tray.

Naruto held his phone to his chest. Kushina and Minato looked at him worriedly.

"Naruto so what did he say?" Kushina asked hiding her worry. Naruto turned towards her.

"We'll meet up tomorrow," Naruto said with a grin. Kushina smiled softly. Minato looked at her. Naruto was grinning happily.

"Tomorrow is another day off from school I'm so glad," Naruto said softly.

"Just be careful," Minato said warningly. Kushina kicked his leg. Naruto looked at him a little confused.

"Let's go," Kushina said happily. They were at an amusement park.

The next day. Naruto got ready a little late. He got up at 11. He walked around before going to the park. He was there on time and sat at a tree. He threw some leaves in the water. It was 2:30 pm and Naruto was getting worried. He called Sasuke. His phone was off. Naruto got up and started looking around.

"Sasuke..?" He looked around worriedly. Naruto waited a little longer. He didn't come.

"Maybe he forgot." Naruto whispered softly. Kushina found Naruto. She thought this would happen.

"Where's Sasuke?" Kushina asked kneeling down beside Naruto.

"I don't know." Naruto said softly throwing sticks in the water. Kushina pet his head softly.

"His phone is turned off," he added. Later on that day he called Sasuke again. Someone answered but it wasn't Sasuke.

"Hello?" A female voice answered.

"Uh hello its Naruto, can I talk to Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"Oh yes he's uh... Busy, he can't talk at the moment sorry Naruto," she said and hung up. Naruto looked down.

"What the hell Sasuke..." He muttered.

"Whats going!?" Mikoto yelled holding Sasuke's phone.

"He said he was supposed to wake up today morning!" Mikoto yelled.

"Please calm down hes gonna be okay!" The doctor yelled.

"Bring my brother back to us!" Itachi yelled. The beeping suddenly changed and everyone froze.

"Please leave the room," the Doctor said.

"If something happens to him I'll sue you!" Mikoto yelled. The nurses dragged out Itachi and Mikoto.

Sasuke woke up around midnight and he looked at the time and date on his phone.

"Shit." He mumbled. He looked at the time and instead of calling he texted Naruto. Less then a minute later Naruto called. Sasuke picked up.

"SASUKE WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TODAY??" Naruto yelled full of worry.

"Sorry Naruto.. I got really sick... So I slept all day and my mom didn't give me my phone," Sasuke muttered his voice sounding weak.

"Sasuke. Whats wrong you sound sick," Naruto asked more calm now.

"I'm fine I'm just tired don't worry dobe," Sasuke said with an annoyed tone. Naruto gripped his cellphone.

"Sasuke whats going on?" Naruto asked. Sasuke went silent.

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