Chapter Six - Kiss

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Naruto opened the door to see Itachi, Mikoto and an unconscious

"How did you.." Itachi started.

"Whats going on.." Naruto mumbled.

"I shouldn't have told Sakura," Itachi muttered. Naruto dropped the paper and stepped closer. Mikoto and Itachi stepped away. Naruto looked at Sasuke.

"Sasuke.." He whispered. Naruto brushed Sasuke's cheek. The doctor came in.

"Whose this?" The doctor asked.

"Naruto." Mikoto said softly.

"Naruto please step aside I need to perform an operation on Sasuke Uchiha," the doctor said. Naruto looked at him.

"Whats wrong with him?" Naruto asked terrified.

"He can you himself now please step aside," the doctor said. A few hours later they finished. Itachi and Mikoto left and told Naruto to watch over Sasuke.

Sasuke stirred a bit before waking up. Sasuke's eyes widened.

"Naruto.." He muttered. Sasuke sat up. Naruto grabbed Sasuke.

"Why are you here? Sakura called you and Itachi told her and she gave me the address and said to follow the address but didn't tell me anything," Naruto said. Sasuke stared at him.

"If only I knew what the hell is going on!" Sasuke yelled. Naruto flinched

"Are you going to die?" Naruto asked his grip tightening. Sasuke shrugged looking to the side.

"You liar." Naruto said tearing up. Sasuke felt his chest ache. Naruto looked at him.

"What actually happened yesterday?" He asked.

"I don't know. They did an operation after you called and I woke up at midnight," Sasuke said. Naruto sighed a little. He took Sasuke's hand.

"How did my parents know..?" He asked.

"When you asked me to come you fell asleep and I started coughing and they saw me take my pill I instantly left asking them to stay silent," Sasuke said softly. Naruto looked at him and nodded softly.

"What was it that you wanted to tell me?" Sasuke asked raising a eyebrow. Naruto looked to the side.

"Its nothing important," Naruto said smiling at him. Sasuke looked at him and looked the side.

"Tch. Alright then," Sasuke muttered.

"Sasuke how are you?" Naruto asked suddenly.

"I'm fine I already told you," Sasuke answered annoyed a bit.

"How long how you been hiding it?" Naruto asked a little anger in his voice.

".... Over a year." Sasuke muttered. Naruto froze. Sasuke looked at him.

"Can you walk?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked a little worried. Naruto brushed it off pushing him out of bed. Sasuke fell the second his feet touched the floor. Naruto caught him one arm around his waist and the other holding his arm.

"Sasuke.." Naruto muttered. Sasuke didn't dare look at him in such a pitiful scene.

"Sorry," Naruto whispered and set him back on the bed.

"its becuase of the operation isn't it?" Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded slowly. Itachi came in.

"Hey Itachi," Naruto said happily.

"Naruto since you know.. Can you bring Sasuke back here instead of me? I've been putting away my plans because of Sasuke, he can't last on his feet too long," Itachi said softly. Naruto nodded having the flashback from earlier. Sasuke looked at the wall quietly.

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