Chapter Sixteen - Truth

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Naruto woke up first and it while Minato was still eating. Naruto looked at Sasuke and smiled. He brushed his hair. Sasuke woke up.

"Oh sorry did I wake you?" Naruto asked. Sasuke shook his head.

"I was already half awake," Sasuke said and sighed heavily. Naruto kissed his head.

"Are you hungry?" Naruto asked Minato and Kushina looked at them. Sasuke shrugged.

"Yeah I guess so," Sasuke answered. Naruto smiled. Sasuke got off Naruto and Naruto got up.

"So do you wanna explain why you skipped half of your day at school?" Minato asked raising his eyebrow. The two sleepy boys looked at him.

"I don't ever want to hear her or see her again, she made me hurt Sasuke..." Naruto said. Minato sighed.

"I was waiting for a story," Minato said and sighed softly. Sasuke looked at him. Kushina gave Naruto two plates of food.

"Eat up," Kushina said with a smile. Naruto nodded. He gave Sasuke a plate of food and a fork. He got himself a fork too. The two happily ate. Sasuke finished first.

"Thank you," he said getting up and set his plate in the washer. Kushina smiled.

"Are you feeling better Sasuke?" Kushina asked. Sasuke looked at her confused and then remembered his fainting incident.

"Oh yeah, I'm better thanks," Sasuke answered. Kushina smiled.

"Don't overstress yourself," Kushina smiled. Sasuke nodded and looked to the side.

"He fainted?" Minato asked. Kushina nodded. Sasuke's phone went off. Sasuke look at his phone. It was Sakura.

"Hello?" He picked up.

"Oh hey Sasuke can I talk to Naruto he won't answer my calls," Sakura asked.

"He's not talking to you," Sasuke said. Sakura hissed.

"Stop telling him what to do!" Sakura yelled.

"YOUR THE ONE WHO KISSED HIM! HE DELETED YOUR PHONE NUMBER BECAUSE YOUR A BITCH!" Sasuke snapped. Naruto flinched. There was silence. Sasuke hung up. Naruto got up and hugged Sasuke. Minato and Kushina went silent understanding what happened. About a month ago Naruto and Sasuke told their entire family about the baby.

"Can I talk to her? I wanna send her far off," Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded and handed his phone.

"Hello?" Sakura answered.

"Sakura come meet me at the park I need to talk to you," Naruto said.

"Kay!" Sakura said happily and hung up. Sasuke was about to comment but Naruto took his hand and left the phone on the table and dragged Sasuke with him.

Sakura waited at their usual spot before they broke up. She saw Naruto and saw Sasuke was with him. Naruto whispered something to Sasuke and Sasuke nodded. Naruto went up to Sakura.

"Sakura, please get out of my life, I don't ever want to see you again!" Naruto started. Sakura flinched.

"It was just a kiss--" she started.

"Sasuke almost left me! I should've listen to him and ignored you but I didn't because I liked you and trusted you! I didn't think you'd try to steal me away from him!" Naruto snapped. Sakura stared at him.

"Whats so special about Sasuke! You can at least have a family with a girl unlike with Sasuke!" Sakura snapped. Naruto slapped her.

"Sasuke's pregnant. Kurama made me impregnate him during my mating season about a week before his birthday," Naruto hissed. Sakura froze. Sasuke looked uncomfortable.

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