Chapter Nineteen - Together

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Afterwards Sasuke and Naruto headed back home.

"We're home!" Naruto yelled while the two were taking off their shoes.

"Are you boys hungry?" Kushina asked peeking from the kitchen. Naruto looked at Sasuke who shook his head.

"Nope, how's Hikari?" Naruto asked.

"She's still sleeping," Kushina answered. Naruto nodded and the two boys headed upstairs. Hikari was sleeping silently. She apparently pushed her blanket off. Sasuke carefully put the blanket over her again. Naruto looked at Sasuke's back.

"So when do you wanna do it?" Naruto asked. Sasuke glanced at him from the cradle.

"Do what?" Sasuke asked.

"The marriage," Naruto answered looking at him. Sasuke looked at Hikari and he shrugged.

"I thought you'd already decided?" Sasuke asked.

"Well I actually got the ring on the day you gave birth... And then I kinda forgot about it because we were so busy," Naruto answered. Sasuke shook his head with a small smile. Sasuke felt his knees shake and he sat beside Naruto. Naruto kissed his cheek.

"Let's do it maybe next month... Let's just hope there's a gay friendly church," Naruto said at the end sighing.

"I'm not wearing a dress," Sasuke instantly said. Naruto eyed him and a look of disagreement. Naruto got up and got his phone.

"Let's see.." He mumbled starting to search. Naruto sighed.

"There's a church nearby us? I can go check it out while you stay here," Naruto said looking at the clock.

"Hey its your medicine time," Naruto added. He got up and inna few minutes brought Sasuke his medicine. He helped him with it and then gave him the liquid Sasuke hated. Naruto gave him a cup of water.

"I'll be going then," Naruto said softly and kissed his nose. Sasuke nodded and laid down on the bed. Naruto left the room and out the door. He went looking for the church and asked a few people for the address. People kept giving him weird looks when he asked.

"Found it finally!" Naruto cheered happily and went to he church doors. He opened up the doors with a loud deep squeak.

"Er... Hello?" He called out walking in. A man popped his head out of the doors in another room. A nun was going around the church cleaning. Naruto bravely went towards the man as he went to the front.

"Is your church um.. Gay friendly?" Naruto asked. The man looked at him, which was the priest.

"Yes actually this church is only for gays since other churches are non gay friendly, though that causes barely anyone to come here.." The priest said the end a little sadly. Naruto smiled at him.

"Me and my.. Uh... You know wanna get married," Naruto asked. The priest looked at him.

"Hes at home right now, with our baby.." Naruto added looking to the side.

"Kurama is it?" The priest asked. "Excuse me?" Naruto asked.

"The thing inside you that helped your lover?" The priest asked.

"H-how did you know?" Naruto asked a little shocked.

"I can see through you, your a pretty open boy, and I can play a wedding for you at any time," the priest said taking out a big book. He opened up to the closest dates. Naruto looked at them.

"Actually can I go run and get Sasuke and then I'll come back?" Naruto asked. The priest nodded. Naruto ran out and then back home. By the time Naruto got back Sasuke was sleeping.

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