Chapter Five - Tell Me!

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"Sasuke whats going on?" Naruto asked. Sasuke went quiet.

"I already told you--" Sasuke started.

"Everyone is telling me different things and my parents are looking at me wierdly! Everyone knows something I don't!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke was quiet.

"Naruto really--" Sasuke started.

"Will you able to meet up tomorrow, at school? Or will you do something again!?" Naruto asked. Mikoto walked in.

"I'll be at school tomorrow, I promise Naruto," Sasuke said softly.

"I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow then," Naruto said and hung up. Sasuke shook.

"I'm hurting everyone." He said softly. Mikoto walked in and looked down.

"I'll make sure your okay tomorrow," Mikoto said softly. The next morning Itachi walked Sasuke to school handing him all the pills.

Sasuke sat walked around the school. He heard a loud shout.

"SASUKE!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke looked at him as he was attacked with a hug.

"You fucking jerk I thought something happened to you yesterday!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke looked at the side. Naruto looked up at him.

"Sasuke, are you okay you look pale," Naruto asked.

"I'm fine," Sasuke said softly. He turned around to go to class but Naruto grabbed his hand. Sasuke slapped his hand away hair over his eyes.

"Sorry," he said softly and left. Naruto looked at his back silently. Sakura tried to talk to Sasuke or to Naruto. It didn't work. Both were too focused on each other. After school Naruto asked him to come to the park.

Sasuke called Itachi and told him he'll go to the park quickly. Sasuke went to the park. He didn't know it might bena terrible idea. Naruto was waiting for more then a half hour and he got his phone out and called Sasuke. He heard someones phone ring. Naruto got up and followed the ringing sound to see Sasuke clinging on to a tree with a slightly face.

"Sasuke.." Naruto started. "Are you okay?" Naruto asked reaching towards Sasuke. Sasuke slapped his hand away.

"I'm fine," Sasuke said lettig go of the tree with shaky legs.

"Sasuke whats wrong?" Naruto asked worriedly. Sasuke didn't look at him.

"I'm sorry Naruto I have to go somewhere I'm not feeling that well.." Sasuke said softly. Sasuke took a step but almost fell over. Naruto clicked his tongue.

"Let me help you teme," Naruto said taking his arm and putting it over his shoulder. Sasuke obiently let Naruto help him. Sasuke lwd him to Itachi. Itachi didn't looked amused but thanked Naruto and drove away with Sasuke. Naruto went back in to the school to get his stuff. He banged his fist on the locker.

"What the hell!?" Naruto yelled. Sakura jumped back a little bit. Naruto looked at her and apologized. The two went to the staircase.

"Hey Naruto," she said softly.

"Whats wrong your not paling from what happened right?" She asked. Naruto looked down.

"Whats going on with Sasuke.." Naruto mumbled. Sakura looked at him a little surprised.

"What happened?" She asked.

"On that day he picked me up and dragged me to a bar and then home, and then the next morning I asked him to come and he did but he left and since then everyone's been acting weird, he doesn't look or act like himself," Naruto said softly. Sakura looked at him.

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"I like him more then I liked you," Naruto said softly. Sakura froze and just stared at him.

"Then why won't you tell him?" She asked.

"I tried but its like he's hiding something and it means rejecting me. And the entire world," Naruto mumbled. Sakura pat his shoulder. Sakura took her phone and called someone.

"Hello? Uh can I talk to Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"He can't right now," itachi said.

"Whats going on?" Sakura asked. Her eyes suddenly widened.

"... I won't." Sakura whispered. Naruto stared at her terrified.

"Thanks Itachi.." She muttered hanging up. Naruto stared at her. Sakura got a piece of paper and wrote down something quickly and handed it to Naruto.

"Go there, don't ask, just go." Sakura said. Naruto got up looking at the paper and saw the word hospital and sprinted. Sakura stayed.

Naruto went in to the hospital and showed the paper to the person at the counter.

"Who are you to be asking?" She asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto said. She looked on her computer.

"I cant--" she started. Naruto banged his fists.

"I DONT CARE I NEED TO KNOW WHY SAKURA SENT ME HERE!" Naruto yelled. The girl stared at him and showed him the directions. Naruto looked at the paper and door.

"Room 104.." He muttered.

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