Chapter Twenty-Seven - Sasuke

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"Naruto maybe you didnt try hard enough," Fugaku said softly. Naruto teared up.

"Please just drop the topic," Naruto said wiping his tears and went to the kitchen to make tea. Ever since Naruto got back to the world after Sasuke's death hes having mental disorders resulting sudden attacking violently or starting to cry out of no where and also hes unstable and most of his doctors want him in the hospital locked up in a stupid room and have someone else take care of his kids.

Naruto made tea with shaky hands. Hikari noticed Naruto's struggle and came up to him.

"Daddy let me do it," Hikari said making the rest of the tea. Naruto watched her silently. Hikari took a few of cups and Naruto took the rest. Hikari handed Fugaku and Mikoto their tea and took her other one for herself. Naruto gave Itachi a cup of tea and then set two cups down and sipped his tea. Aoi and Miyako walked out taking their cups and drinking their tea happily.

"Naruto what are you gonna do about your house?" Mikoto asked.

"Excuse me? I just said drop it!" Naruto asked a little hurt.

"Sasuke's stuff are all in their place untouched like they were 10 years ago," Itachi explained. Naruto looked at him.

"Is that bad?" Naruto asked.

"Its been 10 years! Naruto... Hes dead!" Itachi said.

"I know! But he's still here!" Naruto hissed. Everyone sighed heavily.

"Naruto you need a new place without... Sasuke." Mikoto said softly. Naruto didn't say anything.

"Non of you understand." Naruto said softly. They all sighed.

"Do you have homework?" Naruto asked facing his kids. They shook their heads.

"Okay." He said softly.

- A few weeks later -

The entire family got together to Sasuke's funeral. Naruto sat down in front of his grave and set flowers down. Hikari and Aoi and Miyako set the flowers down and sat down. They were excused from school every year on this day.

"Hey Sasuke..." Naruto muttered brushing his hand against the rough grave stone.

"Hi mommy," the kids happily said.

"Hey Sasuke.." Kushina and Minato muttered.

"Hi Sasuke," Itachi said softly. Mikoto and Fugaku went silent.

"We really miss you Sasuke.." Naruto whispered organizing the flowers a little on his grave. Suddenly the last person anyone ever wanted to see... A pinkette her breath showed.. She was panting. Everyone looked at the girl as she stood up straight. Hikari, Aoi and Miyako sprang up and stood on the other side of their mother's grave and their black lines on their faces like Naruto's darkened. They all hissed glaring. The girl flinched.

"What do you want Sakura!?" Aoi snapped. Sakura looked at the kids.

"What the..." She muttered. Just then Naruto fainted and Kushina caught him. Her eyes widened.

"Whats wrong with Naruto..?" She muttered. Hikari's whiskers started to fade a little. Aoi kept his and so did Miyako.

"Ever since his death.. He has been mentally ill," Minato answered. Sakura looked at the three kids.

"That's why..." She muttered. Sasuke sat on his grave watching all of this unfold quietly. He looked at Naruto.

"Naruto..." Sasuke whispered. Kushina looked at Naruto as he sprang up and met eyes with Sasuke.

"Sasuke...?" Naruto called out reaching out in front of him. Naruto's disorder made him see the transparent black haired male on the grave. Sasuke was wide eyed.

" can you see me?" Sasuke asked. Naruto teared up.

"I've been having mental disorders.. Ever since you left.." Naruto whispered tears rolling down his cheeks. Sasuke looked pained.

"I'm sorry hun," Sasuke whispered. Naruto started crying.

"Sasuke.. I need you.." Naruto whispered softly. Everyone was staring at Naruto as he.. Talked to... Well nothing. Sasuke then made himself visible and everyone's eyes widened. Sasuke took Naruto's hand.. It felt like air to Naruto. Everyone stared. Naruto's and Sasuke's stare was as if unbreakable. Naruto went from crying to silently sobbing.

"Sasuke.." He cried. Sasuke felt his heart ache and he hugged Naruto. Naruto felt like everything... All his pain.. Was just swept away like dust like it was nothing

"I told you I'd go insane.." Naruto whispered. Sasuke looked at him.

"Don't even joke like that," Sasuke hissed. Naruto smiled. Sasuke let go of Naruto and he looked worried.

"Naruto I have to go.. I broke the rule.." Sasuke whispered.

"Rule?" Naruto asked.

"I'm not suppose to touch anyone.. At all." Sasuke muttered. Naruto looked at him lovingly and Sasuke blushed. Naruto giggled.

"You'll be back right?" Naruto asked. Sasuke nodded. The two exchanged glances which only they knew the meaning of.

'I love you'

'I love you too dobe' Sasuke disappeared.

"You've really grown.. Hikari.. Aoi.. Miyako.." Sasuke's voice echoed. The three instantly burst in to tears.

"Mommy.." They all cried. Everyone stared at the family. In years non of them has ever seen Naruto laugh so heartily after Sasuke was gone. No one has seen the kids burst in to tears after one thing. They all headed home after saying their byes to Sasuke's grave. The next day at school the three kids found the last thing they wanted to see. There was a paper on their locker.

'Haha! Crying over your 'mommy'
Aw how sweet - AND PATHETIC
L stands for Uzumaki losers!
Geez your dad is even more pathetic!'

Aoi ripped it off. He crumbled it up and walked over to the gang who he knew did it. The guy smirked at him.

"How did you like--" he started. Aoi violently shoved the paper in his mouth.

"Next time I'm shoving it up your ass. And I'm killing you." Aoi hissed. The other guys laughed.

"Oh my I'm so scared! A freshman killing? HAHAH!" the guys laughed. Aoi grabbed both of the guys that were laughing and and pinned their arms and pushed them against the wall.

"Was that clear enough?" Aoi asked. The guys instantly nodded and Aoi let them go and walked off. Miyako and Hikari exchanged glances. There was a sound of heels down the hallway. The two girls looked towards the sound and their eyes widened.

"Sakura...?" Miyako muttered. The pinkette looked at Miyako and smiled.

"I'll be teaching your class from now on!" Sakura said happily. Aoi was not gonna like this. Miyako instantly ran off.

"AOIIII!" Miyako screamed down the halls. Hikari walked up to her.

"If you do anything to them--" Hikari started.

"I'm their teacher I won't do anything," Sakura said and walked off. Hikari eyed her back. She then ripped of the paper from her and Miyako's locker and threw it not in the trash but at the boys.

"Sorry I thought you were a trash can," Hikari didn't sound sympathetic. The three guys looked at her a little pissed off.

"OOOHHHH BURNNN!" the school around them yelled. Hikari smiled and walked off to class. Aoi heard screaming and turned around and Miyako ran in to him.

"Found you!" She yelled. Aoi blinked at her.

"Sakura is our new homeroom teacher.." Miyako panted. Aoi suddenly growled. Miyako blinked and looked behind Aoi. She looked behind his shoulder.

"What?" He asked. "Turn fussy pants," Miyako said. Aoi blinked and turned around to come face to face with a girl. She bowed.

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