Arranging Fate Part 2

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Demi woke up the next morning as her alarm went off, she danced around her room to the song Sugar by Maroon 5. She sang the lyrics as she brushed her hair then jumped onto her bed singing into the brush, while jumping up and down. She's been happy since last night, she even got joes number and they texted eachother for hours. Demi stopped jumping when her phone started ringing, she quickly got off her bed and shut off the alarm while pressing the talk button.

"Hello". Demi said while trying to calm her breath and sitting down on the little couch next to her bed.

"why are you so out of breath and joe hit the sheets already". Demi rolled her eyes recognizing the voice of the person, it was her best friend Selena Gomez.

"no we haven't selena, I was just dancing around....what do you want anyway". Demi said as she laughed starting to think of joe again.

"Just calling to have a chat with my best friend and I want you to tell me about joe aswell...whats he like".

"hes a really great guy and hes really sweet....hes just amazing". Demi couldn't help but blush as she said that, remembering when he kissed her hand for the first time last night.

"As your best friend I must tell you that I can feel the heat from your blushing through the phone and your heart beating louder then a roller coaster"

"Shut up". Both the girls burst out laughing....Demi just shook her head, she couldn't deny that she wasn't wrong...every time she thought of joe she could feel her heart wanting to jump out of her chest. But how could she feel like this after only one day....a meeting she didn't even know would happen.

"so what are you doing today anyway?"

"I have a few photoshoots and interviews but also my first date with joe today, I know idea what where doing either. I tried to ask but every time I did he would just say something about lights...."

"ok maybe hes a weirdo...what kind of hints is lights?" Selena questioned as she thought about it...Demi was the same, she had no idea what he meant by it.

"hmm no clue but anyway what about you...have you found anyone special know". Demi immediately regretted asking as she heard selena sign and sniff a little...she had broken up with her boyfriend Justin after he cheated on her. Wouldn't have been bad if he wasn't a famous pop star and it wasn't blasted for the whole world to see.

"I just don't understand demz...what did I do wrong, I was always so good to him and he treated me like his door mat"

"hes an asshole alright? You deserve so much better then him selena, he shouldn't mean a damn thing to you anymore. Focus on your career for now, You will find an amazing guy who will treat you like his princess when the time is right, Bieber can kiss your ass." Demi smiled hearing her best friend laugh a little

"your right...speaking of my career I need to go to my recording session. Ill catch you later demz"

"bye hun and remember....he can kiss your ass". They shared a laugh before hanging up. Demi signed and looked at her clock to see it was 10:30am...she got dressed and ready for her day. After she was dressed and had threw her hair in a messy bun, she heard her phone ding...she went over and read the message smiling at what it said..

"Good Morning beautiful, have a good day, ill see you tonight"-Joe xxx

(With Joe)

He smiled after he had sent that message to demi, he hadn't felt like this in so long it was like he was inlove for the first time or something. He honestly had no clue...he also didn't notice that he was drifting off in thought and not listening to his brother Nick while he was talking.

Arranging Fate (Jemi Story)Where stories live. Discover now