Arranging Fate Part 13

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Demi was making her way down the stairs with her big 8 month pregnancy belly. It's been 4 months since finding out the gender and their little baby girl is growing very well and she's healthy which is a plus, Mason was turning 2 next month...he was getting big so quickly and that made demi cry every morning. Her little tiny boy now being able to see basically over the bed and climb more things...but Mason's life has been a lot better. His 1 year anniversary with Demi and Joe was coming up in a few months....they still remember that day like it was yesterday and hope it never happens again, but their thankful they found their little boy. Joe had his walking cast taken off a few months ago, his ribs were still sore but that didn't stop him from boxing again and just getting back into shape. Mason hasn't had to deal with any bad teachers or anyone treating him badly, he smiles a lot more to this day because of it. Demi made her way into the kitchen wearing leggings, a tank top and ugg boots...basically the only things she could fit. Joe turned towards her and smiled; Mason stood up in the chair and held his arms out cheesing hard. Demi giggled and hugged Mason before kissing his cheek

"Good morning my handsome boy, what are you and daddy doing" Demi said as she ran her fingers through his hair, it was still feathery but he had gotten a haircut and it was now being styled. "we were having breakfast mommy....daddy doesn't make good pancakes...can you make pancakes" Mason said doing his famous little pout which made demi laugh....she leaned over and pecked his pout before making her way to the kitchen where joe migrated to to get his coffee.

"So apparently our son doesn't like your pancakes" Demi said going up the fridge but then pulling away when she felt joes arms around her tummy, she loved when he was stroke it always made their little princess kick knowing it was her father. "Yea he kept complaining that they didn't taste like mommy' apparently your on breakfast duty momma" Joe said kissing her cheek as she leaned against his chest. "But momma needs to sit down because her back is gonna fall off her spine....i can't wait till the baby comes because this weight is killing me" Joe awed at her before turning her around and leaning down a bit giving her a long passionate kiss with his hands still on her tummy, Demi smiled a bit into the kiss. As they pulled away she rested her head on his chest and signed before rubbing the under part of her tummy...she was having some pains but didn't think anything of it.

"So what are you doing today? I'm thinking of taking Mason to a baseball game or something. Apparently he watched baseball with Nick and he's interested" Joe exclaimed as he washed the dishes and Demi made Masons pancakes, Demi just shrugged her shoulders and looked towards joe while leaning on the counter as the pancakes cooked. "Maybe hang out with Selena tod-." Demi let out a breath hunching over a bit, Joe noticed as he was drying his hands and he rushed to demi. He had his hand on her back and was holding her hand. "Babe...babe what's wrong??" Joe asked in panic but demi just breathed out and stood back up straight before shaking her head. "She's just kicking hard" Demi lied....she didn't know what it was but she didn't want to stop their father son time.

"I don't know demi maybe we should take you to the doctor" Joe said but demi just shook her head no and kissed his cheek. "Joseph I'm fine now go take our son out, I will see you later." Demi said and ushered him out of the kitchen but then got Masons pancakes, they all ate before Joe and mason left to the game. Demi was breathing a little harder than usual but thought nothing of it...a little bit later Selena came over. Currently their out at a restaurant having lunch, laughing and having a good time but in the back of Demi's mind...the pain was starting to increase a bit.

"You ok hun?" Selena asked and Demi finally looked up not noticing she was spacing, she nodded and excused herself to the bathroom. She went to the bathroom and did her business but as she was washing her hands....she felt something go down her legs...she looked down to see a wet stain on her leggings and her eyes widened.... " no" Demi kept repeating looking down in disbelief.

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